I was diagnosed, very quickly, with PMR by my gp back in February....I'd only gone to see her to talk about going on statins (the usual over 70s drug)..and happened to mention I'd been having lots of aches and pains around the buttocks and hips...she suggested a range of blood tests of which the crp and esr were raised and again a week later they had got worse, as had my symptons now in shoulders and upper arms. She started me on 15mg pred but raised it to 20mg when I was still having problems. She's agreed to a 10% decrease when I said I'd been reading a lot about it (c/o this site !)...
So now my questions, have lots but 2 for now..!
Reduction to 18mg starts today...if I get any problems do they occur quite quickly or over a few days, I suppose this could be different for everyone. My worse symptons now are legs feel like I've got the flu and are running out of petrol !
Also tiredness and awful night sweats.
My other question is what food do others have with their early morning pred...I'm having a bowl of cereal but this at anything from 3am onwards (depending on when I wake or quite often haven't gone to sleep )..trouble is I don't always feel like eating that much that early...so what do other people do .?..
Sorry if I've gone on a bit here....Di