For many years I have felt slight wheezy during the autumn months but not enough to affect my normal activities so just put it down to a seasonal allergy. However, in January 2017 I had a chest infection which required antibiotics and, when the doctor checked me over once the course was finished, she said that my chest was clear but she could hear slight wheezing and wanted me to have a lung function test. I had this done a few weeks later and was told the wheezing had gone and all was normal.
So, we now go to May 2017 when I was diagnosed with PMR and subsequently possible GCA a few weeks later. I then spent months on a mixture of 40 and 35mg Pred until I was told in February of this year that my "symptoms " were in fact side effects of the Pred and was able to start reducing very slowly. However, ever since the PMR diagnosis almost a year ago, I have been breathless and the wheezing has been worse but I put it down to the side effects of the high doses of Pred. Then, in February of this year I had another chest infection and because once again my chest is clear but the wheezing hasn't gone, I had to have another lung function test - but this time it came back showing a marked deterioration in my lung function and I'm now waiting for an appointment at the chest clinic.
So, what I'm asking is whether anyone else has experienced this? Is this likely to be a side effect of the heavy Pred doses or could it actually be caused by the PMR itself? The irony is that, as many of you may know, Pred is prescribed to help with the treatment of COPD but now I'm wondering whether the Pred has actually caused this.
I'd really appreciate any advice or insights into other people's experience.
Many Thanks