I am presently on 6mg of pred and have had back problems since January. My trapped nerve problem gradually improved for a few weeks but then I developed Covid which cleared up quickly. Since then I've had chronic sciatica which now seems worse than ever with excruciating pain is all around the buttock, back and leg area. I am in constant pain, walking and doing anything I do is so painful. I can't tell if it's now a combination of a trapped nerve plus my PMR now flaring. I am having to wait for another week for an x-ray on my back. Has anyone else been in this situation? Getting very depressed about my situation.
Trapped nerve in my back and PMR: I am presently on... - PMRGCAuk
Trapped nerve in my back and PMR

I know it hurts but have you tried piriformis stretches? The sciatic nerve passes through the piriformis muscle and if that is tight/in spasm it causes sciatica - doesn't have to be spinal/bones.
There are doctors and physios who don't believe it exists - but plenty who do.
If you have low back pain in that side, round about the sacro iliac joint, try a flooding dose of 800mg ibuprofen, taken with food, and sit upright and well supported with both feet on the ground and a hot water bottle over the pain in the low back, It works for me, might work for you.
Thank you for replying. I have tried exercises for sciatica and felt it made the pain worse. My doctor told me not to take ibuprofen but I am so desperate because of this agonizing pain I think I can't do any harm in trying what you have suggested. In desperation I have just taken co-codamol even though it makes me ill. Will try 800mg ibuprofen later to see if it helps. At the moment every movement is agonizing. Thank you for your suggestions.
It isn't ideal alongside pred but my rheumy approves of it for odd instances like this but if I need it or any NSAID more often, only with the addition of a PPI
But you tend to need the anti-inflammatory effect which cocodamol doesn't have. I can't use it either - codeine makes me ill too.
Again your info is very useful. I am currently taking 20mg Omeprazole for acid reflux so hopefully this will give me the protection I need. Thank you again.
l find sciatica excruciating painful, even lying in bed and trying to breath hurts! I have so far found no painkiller that works. I have had physio where they used a TENS type machine which helped a bit. I have bought my own TENS machine now. There are exercises you can do as well. Although it seems to me you need to tie yourself into a knot, so I have stuck to the TENS machine!
I have a disc that bulged out and is pressing on the nerve going down my leg the pain can be awful have to take gabapentin this was found after an mri scan
Is there a procedure that you can have to correct this problem? Sounds like an ongoing very painful problem. I don't think I can live with this pain, I can't walk anywhere or do anything.
Yes, I’ve had chronic sciatica since November. I seem to get it each winter! It’s on my right side & I have trochanteric bursitis on my left! I can’t do the stretches any more as they caused joint dislocation due to hypermobility, which has recently got worse! My doctor said it’s easier to cope with the bursitis,but I’ve waited 3 weeks for an urgent injection! I can’t sleep on either side & if I sleep on my back I snore & wake myself up!! But exercise is said to be good for sciatica, keep moving, don’t seize up! I take time release tranadol, & time release morph8ne most nights. Those two don’t quite stop the pain, but handle it a bit better! I tried gabapentin & Pregabalin but couldn’t handle the side effects. But they are supposed to be good medication & worth a try. I also take amitryptylline in evening as a muscle relaxant & that helps other issues (if something helps the rest, less stuff for me to suffer!) Before, I found the exercises were very beneficial, but you can’t miss a session or you’re back in same pain. I can’t take ibuprofen, so can’t comment on that. In fact, I don’t suppose I’ve helped much, except to assure you you’re not on your own!! Oh, & I stooped to look at a plant on our rockery yesterday, got dizzy, stood up, keeled over, dislocated two toes, foot like a balloon, hit shoulder & head on rocks on way down to ground. I have a PMR flare right now, too, as my consultant told me I have to get off pred as quickly as poss & have been on it too long (3 years, I think it is)! Currently on 2mg & was on 3.5mg just 3 weeks ago, Smiling helps. Sun is shining here today. Think of something nice…last night I had 3 hours sleep, but planned great garden changes, introduced anewplanting scene on the rockery & thought of 3 places I’d like to go on holiday! Take care, S x
I have increased my pred by 5mg in case my PMR is not helping my pain. To be honest I have been in agony this morning and broke down in tears, my husband wanted to take me to A&E but we all know that won't get me anywhere! I have a blood test this afternoon and I'm not sure I can make that. Just had co-codamol which doesn't really agree with me but I have to be able to hobble to the surgery. Amatryptyline was prescribed but a waste of time on me. Hoping to try the other two painkillers you've mentioned. Thank you for telling me your experience with this problem and hope you can recover at some point.
yes, it’s very acute…the pain. I’m usually at my worst about 2am, & not a jolly time to be in ‘trouble’. I’m not sure amitryptylline is suitable for nerve pain, it does help my muscle spasms & the essential tremor in my hand & arm, but not the sciatica, I don’t think. I don’t really think there’s anything A&E can do, but I’m not a doctor. They could admit you & give you IV morphine, but it doesn’t solve the problem, & how to live with it. I really think the stretches are good & they helped when I was allowed to do them. I guess the blood test will show the inflammation, but I assume you’ve already been examined & diagnosed. Take care, it’s horrible, S x
I understand your pain. An xray won't really give a good picture of any nerve impingement. Perhaps you could request an MRI.I am under a Neurosurgeon as I have had nerve pain for a long time. Unfortunately, my GP referred me last June and I still haven't heard from the NHS except to say the waiting time is very long.
So I approached my private medical insurers and they have agreed to fund the treatment and consultations.
So I saw the Neurosurgeon and he referred me to a Consultant Neurophysiologist. He conducted nerve pathway studies and reported some nerve damage and 4 areas of nerve impingement. 2 areas of disc herniation and 2 areas of boney growths.
Saw the Neurosurgeon and he recommended I have micro surgery to release the two worse nerves which are at L4/L5.
I am booked for day surgery on 28th April. I am nervous but both my gp and surgeon are saying its for the best and has a good success rate. Leaving alone could lead to possible loss of bowel/bladder control and paralysis.
Once I recover from that surgery my surgeon suggests that if my pain is still bad he will consider decompressing the other 2 nerves.
I am hoping this operation will be successful in relieving the pain and numbness going down my legs and improve my ability to walk.
I have had back problems all my life and pmr since 2016. I am still on 5mg a day of prednisolone and I take Tapentadol and paracetamol for pain. Sometimes I need to take diclofenac to help with flares of osteoarthritis.
I have no idea if I could have this surgery on the NHS. My guess is that if it became an emergency I would, but the wait for it to happen routinely would be very long. I also think because of my age and comorbidities I wouldn't be seen as a priority.
So thankfully I kept my private medical insurance up when I left work. It gets more and more expensive but nowadays, with our poor NHS being crippled, I see it as an essential expense.
Hope you are able to get some relief from your pain as I know how miserable it can be.
Thank you for your information. I think I will consider going private if I have to.
I ended up having back surgery yesterday 25th May to removed to bits of vertebrae that were compressing the nerves oh it was sheer heaven from the moment I woke up from surgery I could feel my feet-toes-calves and the extreme pain in my behind cheek and lower back that had plagued me for 3 months were gone! the incision and surgery pains were less than pleasant but I know they will soon pass… Dr had me withhold the weeks methotrexate injection but had me take my daily dose of prednisone… things are looking up again
I feel your pain I tripped and fell on a portable heater power cord in our office on Feb 13th first couple days just a “twinge” by Saturday morning I couldn’t get out of bed without help an MRI was taken 2 weeks later which shows some nerve impingement..I had some bowl/bladder control issues, drop foot numb toes and on bad days the bottom of my foot feels numb and swollen fast forward to today bowl/bladder issues have gotten better I still need crutches to hobble around severe muscle spasms in left leg when rising from seated position and when sitting down it’s been too tender to try chiropractor just touching my lower back causes a lightning storm of nerve pain I am at a loss on how to proceed I am trying to reduce my prednisone which seems to help I am also giving myself methotrexate injection once a week but it doesn’t help as much.. here’s what has helped me and hopefully it will also help you..I use a horseshoe seating pad my wife bought me a heating pad and at first an ice pack now I rotate heat and ice I bought some rubber exercise bands use them in mornings to loosen things up a little and yes I do cheat and toss back some ibuprofen once a week best of luck to you
Thank you for your info. I wish I knew what set my back problem off in the first place which was in the first week of January. It did get much better at one stage but then flared up again a few weeks ago. I feel it is worsening all the time. Dread getting out of bed in the mornings.
Yes just had ibuprofen and co-codamol to get me to the doctors for a blood test.