Hello everyone,
Hope everyone had a Valentine’s Day that included something good! I bought a fabulous new pink handbag which cheered me up immensely. 💕
I posted about 3 days ago with concerns about whether I was having a flare of the GCA or whether it was prednisone as a result of trying to lower the dose from 40mg, and also so upset about not hearing back from the rheumy.
2 days ago I did get a call from him. (First check in with him in 6 weeks). He ordered blood tests as soon as possible, sed and CPR. And put them on monthly test schedule. I told him I had taken an additional 5 mg of prednisone and he said that was Ok. I also told him I was seeing the opthomologist the next day, (yesterday). He said he would call me with blood test results and see what the opthomologist said, and then mentioned possibly adding another medication to get me off prednisone sooner if the tests were Ok. Just to make me MORE confused and worried, he said “but opthomologists can’t always tell GCA from exams”...thanks!
Adding another medication at this point with the goal of getting me off prednisone soon worries me because of information I’ve read on this great site about tapering slowly, other med side effects, etc. I do have an appointment to see the rheumy a week from today.
The good news is the opthomologist could see no damage at this point or signs of GCA to the optical nerve, etc. she reassured me about text moving about when tired, that that was not the classic double vision but probably from my bad nearsightedness and wearing both contact lenses and (very old) glasses.
I did not take the extra 5 mg on top of the 40 last night, ....did I mess myself up again by changing the dose? I only took the extra 5 for two days because of fear that this was a flare. Last nite was I was so tired from trip to the doctor and lots of socializing that I had a bad night of waking up cold, loud head noises, and rib, back pain, tight chest, (this was worse),when I did the 2am wake up routine. Also a little irregular heartbeat that settled after awhile.
Today I’m knackered, as you Brits say....perfect word for that feeling. I Don’t have head pain, just pressure and some soreness, on the back of the head where all this started, and near the ears. There is also a spot on my face next to my nostril at the very top of my gum that has been bothering me since I had a crown put on the tooth last fall, the dentist hasn’t seen anything there. But it is still sore.
Lots of complaints! A long list! I’m glad i can share with you all, my sister thinks it’s all muscular-skeletal problems, (she’s an occupational therapist and knows a lot and is my main support, but not sure she understands all this and how debilitating it can be).
I’ll see what the bloods say what the rheumy says. I hope I can stay at 40 and not have to go back up and that I didn’t start a yo-yo routine by messing with my dose.
I’m going to print out some of the slow taper info to bring with me to the rheumy appointment. I will have been on 40 with a few ups and downs for 7 weeks when I see him.
Any thoughts on dosage, tapering, etc, would be very appreciated.
Thank you so much.