Hello, I have read so many interesting stories on this website since seeing a neurologist two weeks ago.
I went because I was suffering from very bad right sided headaches and I couldn't find anything to relieve the pain. The pain is in a direct line from my eye along the side of my temple and down into my neck- it is much worst in the mornings and I feel permanently as if I have a hangover ( sickness achey very tired generally listless). I have lost some weight, possibly because I don't really fancy food and keep getting hot flush like symptoms and night sweats that wake me up.
I have always suffered from Migraine and to begin with thought I was just going through an episode of having migraine every day, the triptans I take gave some relief but not for very long and the symptoms just seemed to return more quickly after this.
I had also been suffering with bad right sided shoulder pain for a few months before, and have had physio and massage on this, which seems to make the symptoms worst not better.
Prior to this I had had a flu type virus, other than that I am fit and well and always active, although not any more as I am to afraid to do anything in case it makes the pain worst.
The neuro want to rule out GCA and asked for a blood test, my GP has told me the result is normal, but the pain doesn't seem to understand that!!!
I am a little concerned and very fed up that nothing else has happened for two weeks.
I am going back to see the Neuro tomorrow but I am wondering if going to see a rheumatologist would be better? I have private health insurance, but dread going back to see my GP to ask for this- as they have been no help at all!
Any advice would be helpful as my poor head is throbbing away and i cant find anything to stop it!
Thanks and I wish you all quick recoveries!