Hello all,
I have many symptoms of both GCA and PMR and am awaiting a blood test result to determine the liklihood. what I do know is this contstant headache is the dominant thing in my life and I just want it gone !
I am having a crazy time with my eyes, they are painful to use and I prefer to keep them closed. When they are open (obviously most of the time) they are sensitive to light and I struggle to focus, though a trip to optician a few weeks ago show an actual improvement in 1 eye and no change in the other (very weak prescription) but seriously I am struggling with my "eyesache".
The head is always in pain and I keep a pain level diary. My pain fluctuates always, but is never gone. Today it is 240 days of pain. It's nucleus is my left temple, I kind of know it stems from there ... but it goes over to my right temple and causes it's pain in between. I also have a strange pain in my scalp, like someone has pulled my hair out or I have burnt my head. That too is there all the time.
Is the fullness in my ears related ? I think so.
Also have body pain. In the left side of my neck and radiating to my shouder. Have front thigh pain that also radiates into my sides. A strange little lump has also appeared on my forearm (a lipoma perhaps?)
Coincidently I am also perimenopausal - Does this have anything to do with it all ?
All in all, I am not a well bunny. Am struggling at work and struggling at home.