I was diagnosed with PMR in February of last year. Currently taking 12.5. Since Monday I have been dizzy off and on. Wednesday I had an unusual sight occurrence. One eye was double vision and the other was a zigzag rainbow in my side vision. Just lasted a few seconds. Read that it could be migraine but had no headache with it and has not happened since. I am 60 and have no headache problems. Went to my GP yesterday and am having a full blood panel and had an MRI of brain which was fine. Hope to know my sed rate today as rhuemy won't do anything without the science to back it up. GP suggested to see my eye dr. I am going to try to get in today but we are having a 3 day ice storm starting this afternoon. I now have just a general all over headache. I work at an elementary school so know that it could be whatever is going around. I feel that when seeing Drs. I am the one continually trying to make my case to be checked for inflammation showing up other places. I have felt as if I was treading water and holding my own but now the water has gotten up under my nose and I am getting weary. Thanks for any help and letting me vent a bit.
Enjoy your day,