PMR/GCA and 'BMI's: Hello all Given that most of... - PMRGCAuk


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PMR/GCA and 'BMI's

Rimmy profile image
20 Replies

Hello all

Given that most of us will have been imbibing all sorts of extra treats lately - well I have anyway - and also that most of us have become educated about the benefits of MAINLY low carb eating while on Pred - I have been checking my BMI. Perhaps I am slow off the mark on this subject - or maybe it is the usual denial as I KNOW there are STILL 'goodies' in the freezer - but it seems that BMIs are not all 'equal'. I think I prefer the 'Smart BMI' as it at least includes age and sex - and to some extent ethnicity:

- while others (even the WHO version) are not so nuanced. - and anyway I just creep into the 'normal' range with the 'smart' version - compared with slightly 'overweight' in others. I am aware of course I may have lots more fat than 'muscle' - but let's not get too far into that !!

Interested to know if any of you have opinions about these variations (& think age/sex relevant) or am I just splitting hairs until all that cheesecake (several slices still in the freezer) is ALL GONE !!

Best wishes


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Rimmy profile image
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20 Replies
Rugger profile image

I find it more useful to compare what I weigh now with what I weighed before I was diagnosed with PMR nearly 20 months ago. I've gained about 3 pounds and I put that down to reduced energy expenditure, rather than increased intake. If anything, I'm even more careful about my diet than before, knowing that weight and blood sugar can rise on pred. My blood sugar (HbA1c) has gone down over the 20 months.

I don't avoid carbs, but my portions are small and I 'eat a rainbow' of veg and fruit and don't worry about the natural sugars they contain. I still have my small square of dark chocolate every day - a bit more over Christmas!

Rimmy profile image
Rimmy in reply to Rugger

Thanks Rugger

Yes I have actually lost several kgs since my diagnoses - but mainly in the first three months when on a low carb diet (of what has been about a year of PMR/GCA). Since then I have managed to sustain that loss with slight ups and downs. Your approach is of course very sensible and I am now not always assiduous (jokes aside) about carb levels either - especially as we have an orchard overflowing with 'organic' apricots and soon plums and peaches - which are always best eaten straight from the tree ! Mind you this can't be as well as lots of other stuff !! Given that my OH is a vegan I also eat tons of veg most of the time.

Rugger profile image
Rugger in reply to Rimmy

Hi Rimmy

What is it about us? My OH is vegan too! Wish I had your orchard!

Rimmy profile image
Rimmy in reply to Rugger

Having an orchard is really hard work - we have been reviving one with many older trees and planting numerous new ones - also lots of pruning and watering - but massive rewards - like exquisite apricots this year . Thing is I have to pace myself and rest after a tough day's work. Wish I could be a vegan myself - but I find beans and vegetable protein hard to digest and I like dairy - we have some lovely bantams for their eggs - which is ideal food - well I eat them anyway as they are fed such a great diet themselves !!

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Rimmy

And have a happy life!

Zofitmogelijk profile image

ha ha rimmy, the ducks in the canal in front of my house liked the leftovers from the "schwarzwälder kirschtorte"very much.

Will have a look at your alternatve bmi calculator.

Rimmy profile image

Perhaps I need some ducks to eat MY leftovers !

yogabonnie profile image

I loved this calculator! I am so easily made happy!

PMRpro profile image

BMI is a rather blunt instrument at best so to go slavishly by it is a bit pointless.

However: one helpful piece of advice is that once you are over 60, the rules change. Longevity is not associated with a low BMI, even within the recommended range for middle aged. The optimum BMI for over 65s is now said to be 27.5 - just like granny said, you need a bit on the bones in case you are ill.

But yes - I like this calculator too!!! Not at all depressing!

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to PMRpro

Oh dear. I think mine is less than 18, even acknowledging a height loss... Both methods gave exactly the same reading.

Longtimer profile image
Longtimer in reply to PMRpro

For once being 66 has given me an advantage☺....I'm not far out then at 28......but I feel huge😕

Rimmy profile image
Rimmy in reply to PMRpro

Thanks PMRpro - I thought this quite good too - and far more reasonable than the others. So I will just try to be sensible and not struggle with those last few kilos which is likely not to be beneficial anyway given I am 65 ...

Zofitmogelijk profile image

both calculators indicate 26ish, but my mirror shows I am overweight and have to get rid of my predfat, which is a stone. so it won't do any harm to be carefull what goes into my mouth.

Rimmey this is a measurement that I certainly liked . ( Stats. & averages. Ah! In General!)

Very positive message about weight instead of the usual bollocking.

TooSore profile image

I think I need to bring a copy to my next GP appointment!

Rimmy profile image
Rimmy in reply to TooSore

Yes good idea ! - along with ALL the other info we have to keep feeding them - apart from anything else I am starting to think we are not only 'health educators' for each other but also for 'them'.

bunnymom profile image

Thank you! This was so encouraging. I am low and it said there was no health benefit to weight loss.i have gained 6 pounds in 2 years and it's not the weight it's where the crazy fat piles up

I hope being now at 9 I will start to see some of it go. I try and watch portion sizes and make good choices but I do like my high fiber carbs😊

Rimmy profile image

This Smart BMI has certainly given me a sense of proportion regarding what are probably only a few kilos difference when factoring in age/sex variables. I am not weight obsessive or anything just trying to find an appropriate balance or a weight/BMI which is realistic and reasonable - so pleased if this has assisted you as well !

Best wishes

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Rimmy

What has always annoyed me is that if I were just 2 or 3cm taller I would not have been classed as obese - my body from top of my head to top of my legs fits the normal cut of clothes, I can't wear the stuff designed for small people because it just doesn't fit. But my legs are not in proportion so I am short.

Rimmy profile image

PMRpro - you have actually ( as you often do) hit the nail on the head !! We are all individuals and unique in many ways and standard sizings and measurements (and as you have also said BMIs) are 'blunt tools' and only generally indicative. I am fairly tall at 5ft 8in and a bit (for my gen anyway) but always a bit 'largish' between the waist and knees - so top halves in clothing often needed to be a size or two smaller than bottoms - but the Pred has 'rectified' this a little with my upper half now more in line with the lower (ha ha ha !!) so WHO says steroids are 'all bad' . But really truly we (we women especially) do have to put up with a lot of socio-cultural-medical 'directives' over how our bodies are 'meant to be' and I think I'm almost over it all !! (Time for cheesecake).

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