Hi everyone. Just wondered if anyone had advice. I’ve had chest cold, probably bronchitis for over five weeks. Two lots antibiotics, chest X-ray was ok, sputum test was ok, got proper humidifier and bedroom like a chemist but it just won’t go. Do you think as I’ve been on prednisone for five years although average 7mg now down 5.5. That’s the reason it won’t go.??? Never had anything it before. Not left the house for four weeks only for surgery. Thanks for any advice. Warm wishes to everyone. X
Chest cold: Hi everyone. Just wondered if anyone... - PMRGCAuk
Chest cold

Hello, sounds very wearing! How does this chest infection show itself? Cough, sputum, fevers, breathlessness? What does the doc say?
Hi nonnabrighton, Ditto, Is it something to do with the Brighton Air ? I live in Falmer! You could have been putting your case for me also. I have resisted seeing my Doc ,so no extra pills at moment. I have enough to take already. The only thing I have been doing is taking Paracetamol ,drinking fruit juices with good Vit C and sleeping - I cannot help that, Would also welcome advice. Also warm wishes and get well soon to you and all. John
I can add that over 4years I have managed to reduce to 8 3/4 mg. I feel that there is the 1st signs of the Adrenal glands kicking in. Whether they have been kicked into play by the chest cold?. 8 3/4mg- I believe it was PMRpro who said that because I was tall and heavy- not over- that they might kick at that point - as my granddaughter would say when she was young ( 23 now) I am ever so cited. John
I would press for an x Ray nonnabrighton, it sounds so like a recent post where the outcome was Pneumonia . Good luck, poor you!

Hi nonnabrighton,
Poor you, once these things get a grip they become difficult to shift at the best of times, let alone when your immune system is compromised.
But as S/Jane says perhaps time for an X-ray and re-evaluation.
Oh thank you so much for taking time to reply that’s so kind if you. X Ray and tests were normal. I’ll just have to sit it out. Thank goodness daytine TV and started Christmas cards! Good wishes to you all. I do think people who cope with illness are so much kinder than people who have never experienced any real health problems. It never helps when some people imply we’re weak because we are unwell. Sorry about that quick rant. Interesting to see Pat st Clements has PMR. It’s so rarely mentioned on TV. MANY THANKS AGAIN.
Hello nonnabrighton. I empathise with you. I had a chest infection recently. I rang my dr and asked him if I could increase Pred to 40 mg for 5 days, and then revert to current 4 mg. He agreed, and it worked. I didn't go out, except for surgery/groceries, took lemon and honey at night, rested a lot.
Hope you well soon and keep warm.
That’s interesting. Thanks. I increased from five to fifteen for five days. Perhaps I should have taken more. It did def help but still phlegm. Before I was wheezy terribly. Thanks again. Hope you stay well.
Thank you so much. Good wishes.