Greetings All, whether PMR / GCA Veterans, Newbies, Confused.coms, Plain Bonkers PMR and GCA Survivors, or any or all of the above.
A much-discussed topic on this great Community Forum (aside from the multitude of others) is that of how, as I call it, the Dreaded 'DF' (Deathly Fatigue) can affect our progress, energy and confidence in the almost daily, sometimes hourly process of coping with, and hopefully eventually recovering from what really are very nasty Auto Immune illnesses.
I'm sure that, for many of us, the DF isn't a Laughing Matter. There are numerous, very valid medical explanations for how Crushing/ Deathly Fatigue is 'part and parcel' of AI illnesses, and this should help us in our process of understanding what's going on medically.
That said, I've come to realise that, by giving the DF a name and 'Personality' of its own, it might also help some of us to see the DF not so much as the Enemy: but perhaps more to help some of Us Lot to Recognise and Accept that we perhaps can negotiate with and accommodate it (albeit reluctantly) on our often unpredictable Health Journey? To my mind, at least, this is an important part of the Coping Equation too.
So here's my 'DF Perception' Brief for any of You Lot who want to reflect on the DF phenomenon - and also have some Fun:
1. Can you describe, in Witty Style, how the DF affects you mentally and physically? (!)
2. Also, can you give your Personal Experience of the DF a Name or 'Personality'? Have a go, and let your creative Mind play - it might help you and others here to explore and share the Lighter Side of our perceptions and experiences of our health conditions, and how they affect us, for better or worse.
3. TLAs (Three Letter Acronyms) are allowed - so long as they are not offensive (Beware the HU Moderators!) ;-). That said, I stand by my personal acronym of 'BUM' (Bonkers Uncle Mark). But we'll have to see what the Moderators say about that one...! ;-/
Hoping this Alternative Take on how we might perceive and accommodate our PMR / GCA Symptoms will give some of You / Us Lot something to think about - and hopefully will bring us all some innocent fun along the way
Best wishes as always, and try to keep smiling on the PMR / GCA Journey.
'Uncle' MB