Hi, I'm new here and was wondering if any one could advise me as my Dr thinks i have GCA
3 weeks ago i suddenly had a head ache behind right ear, very localised and happened every day, was taking paracetamol that didnt work the only thing that touched it was ibuprofen ( which im not allowed to take due to having IBD) Still it persisted and got worse, sharp pain when twisting my head suddenly,pain into my neck and arm, dull tingly ache at top of head, ear ache getting worse. jaw ache.
So went to out of hours dr last week who said i had a middle ear infection. no hearing loss though.
Then the head aches just go horrifically bad, the pressure in my head, i felt i had to hold my head to get any comfort, lying down was extremely painful, sitting back up equally hurt just as much. no pain killers touched it and brushing my hair hurt.
So went to see my gp yesterday who said my ear was perfectly fine and sent me to have an urgent blood test , test come back over 60 with inflammation in body though i have recently had a crohns flare up.
he has put me on 60mg pred and with in hours the pain had subsided and now im left with dull ache in top of head and ear still. so now waiting to have a biopsy.
I just wondered if this sounds familiar at all, im 37 so have read its very unusual for people under 50 to get this.
Many thanks