I've had PMR since June 1st 2013, 3 weeks before my 68th birthday. It was diagnosed in early July when my ESR was 130, and Prednisolone has made getting around normal. I've been on 5mg since February this year. In Feb I was put on Risedronate following a Dexascan. My knees became intolerably painful, preventing me from walking upstairs without great pain, or even from the road up a kerb to the pavement. I took myself off Risedronate, and most of the pain went with it. A few weeks later I was put on AA. That was in June.
The last few weeks (4 or 5?) I've noticed that rising from a seat is very difficult. I can no longer get out of my car as normal people do, that is one leg out, and raise myself up turning as I do. I have to put two legs out and then press down with my dominant hand on the door cill to press myself up. Getting out of my low bed is also difficult again, either two hands forcing down on the edge of the bed while rocking backwards and forwards to get some extra power, or kneeling on the floor , crawling to the laundry basket, pressing down on that to force myself up. It never used to be like this 5 weeks ago. All my movements were normal. To get our of bed, 2 feet on the floor and stand up.
Once up sometimes I have tautness in my lower legs, but no pains As the day wears on my knees can ache, but not when I'm walking.
I do have bad fluid retention at the moment. My left leg has always been prone to fluid retention but it's now both legs and feet. I've had one 24-hour episode of my left leg weeping a clear odourless liquid. I know Pred doesn't help fluid retention. I'm taking a 'water' tablet, drinking more water, raising my legs when in bed,and walking much more in the hope of losing the fluid.
The only medications that's changed in the last few months which could affect it are Alendronic Acid in June, and a change of an asthma inhaler, (from Symbicort 400/12 to DuoResp Spiromax 320/9) about a fortnight ago. About 4 months ago I was put on 8mg Modified realease of Doxazosin for Enlarged Prostate, replacing the 4mg I'd previously been taking.
I'd be grateful for your comments, as I suspect some of you know more of PMR than my doctor, although I will make an appointment with the one doctor in the practice who understands PMR.