This is my story with PMR and Prednisone. I am 58 years young and on 26th January 2015 I was scheduled for a pre-planned op on my foot to remove my bunion. This was in fact how I stumbled on this brilliant website and joined the Hallux Valgus (Bunions) forum. In December 2014 I had to attend the pre op assessment and was told I had to stop taking HRT and Naproxen. These were the only pills I took and the Naproxen was for my knee which is showing signs of arthritis. I was a very healthy person back then and apart from a really bad dose of flu in December 2014 I kept well. I was slightly anxious about stopping both of my pills however my GP said it was fine to stop the HRT immediately.
Well…within 2 weeks I could barely move. I couldn’t turn my head, lift my arms, turn over in bed or even squeeze toothpaste from the tube. Getting out of a chair and in and out of the bath was nearly impossible without help. I was in agony and really scared. I went to the GP as I was convinced it was caused by stopping the HRT with no taper and add the flu into the mix I thought everything had just gone haywire. I was also 3 days away from my bunion op and didn’t know what to do. The GP advised me to go ahead with the op and he would investigate my problems after that.
The morning of my op I could barely get out of bed, I was in so much pain and so stiff. At the hospital the consultant was going to defer my op, but left the decision up to me. As I had organised time off work and everything indoors to accommodate my potential recovery I decided I would go ahead with it.
I woke after the op and was amazed; I wasn’t in pain and could move everything! I’ve since been told this was because of the anaesthetic and pain block I had been given. I left the hospital like a new woman even though I was on crutches! I went back to work early after 2 weeks as I felt so well. I got a few niggles but put it down to the orthopaedic shoe I had to wear.
Then I burnt and crashed. I woke up one morning in February and was totally back to square one. I couldn’t move again and my body was in pain all over. I went back to the doctors where he started me on Co-codamol. They didn’t help so he gave me Tramadol. They didn’t work at all so I went back again and he talked me into Amitriptyline. These also didn’t work so I stopped taking them. He then sent me for blood tests and I got an appointment to see a consultant at the Muscular Skeletal Clinic. During this time I was taking nothing although I had gone back on the HRT. The consultant at the MSC Clinic said he was sure I had Polymyalgia and was going to recommend to my GP that he prescribe me steroids.
Well I was gutted as I had read all the horror stories about the side effects of steroids, The Consultant said I would not get any side effects as the starting dose was too low. (15mgs) well he’d not done his homework or research properly to make a statement like that. I went straight to my GP as the pain was intolerable and he prescribed me 15mgs of Prednisone for 1 month, then to taper to 12.5mgs for 1 month then 10mgs for 1 month. Thereafter I was to taper 1mg per month. Approx 48 weeks in total on steroids. He also said it was unlikely that I would experience any side effects as the dose was too low.
The steroids took 2 weeks to work and I must admit I was very grateful that I was no longer in pain. For about 4 more weeks life practically went back to normal. Then almost overnight things changed.
My face became bloated & my eyes dark & sunken. A huge fluid filled hump appeared on the top of my neck that extended down my back. My hands and feet were so swollen with fluid. I had palpitations, bad thoughts and a vile temper. I sweated like a pig, it literally dripped off me. My sight became blurred and after 2 eye checks I have dry eyes and my prescription needed changing. My skin became dry and blotchy and I had a lot of excessive hair growth on the sides of my face and under my chin. My stomach changed shape. The worst thing though is the constant stomach problems. It's like IBS. I also have chronic tinnitus. It drives me mad. I am exhausted all the time and just everyday things like hovering or changing the bed leave me done in for the rest of the day. I look ill. The final straw though was to see my hair shedding everywhere. I didn’t actually go bald but my hair did thin and became very dry and brittle.
I felt utterly depressed and so miserable. To be in pain is hard but to see yourself change so much in the mirror and all the other side effects, especially being in and out of the loo all the time made me want to just disappear. I am not vain but I do like to look nice and I take pride in my appearance. Unfortunately cutting off my long hair and putting up with all these terrible side effects was not an option for me. It was all ruining my life.
So I made the decision that I was not going to continue taking the steroids. My Doctor wasn't happy about this however he was cooperative & with the advice of the rheumatologist they said I could drop 1mg a week from 10mg my current dose to zero. They monitored me with blood tests.
I was fine with the fast taper until I got to 3mg & I felt terrible. Every part of my body hurt. I went to Cornwall for a week & had zero energy. It was such hard work with all the extra walking. It was so hilly where we stayed & at times I was in agony just walking on an incline. My legs & feet were so swollen. It’s also so difficult to know whether it’s a flare or the tapering that’s the cause. I didn’t moan though as this was my choice.
I continued to taper to 1 mg despite horrendous pains all over. I've been in agony on the days I work as I’m desk bound and get very stiff. It’s easier when I’m at home as I can move around more and also rest if I need to. I'm convinced that its withdrawal symptoms though as I gave in and took 2 co-codamal and it did relieve the pain which it definitely didn't in the early days with the PMR.
I have started back on naproxen for my rheumatic knee. I was taking this pre PMR. The relief has been amazing and I can bend my knee again. I took my last dose of prednisone on Sunday and mentally I feel so much better.
Knowing now what I do about prednisone and how it affected me I will never touch this toxic drug again. It changed me as a person, how I looked and how I felt.
I have make a concerted effort to lose some weight and start doing some gentle exercise. I hope the chronic tinnitus eventually goes and I’m assuming the hairy moon face and buffalo hump along with the frequent loo trips will go as the drug leaves my system permanently.
I know a lot of people won't agree with what I have done but we are all different in how we cope and handle our illness. I know I feel so much more in control now I am off the steroids. Once I made the decision to fast taper my husband said I came alive again. My work colleague said I am brighter and bubbly again. I feel more able to cope with everything. The pain is tolerable so far but still there. I have the birth of my first grandchild to look forward to in September, so a reason to keep going.
This has been a very long rant; maybe I should have started a blog! I will update if anyone is interested to let you know what happens in the next few weeks. Good luck to everyone in their recovery from this horrible illness.