Hi, anyone who has read my recent posts know that I have had a pretty rough time of it when taken into hospital with blood in my urine and coming home feeling very weak after suffering from a series of disturbing events and appalling neglect and I was very grateful to have written an account of this to get it off my chest.
So it won't surprise you that shortly after dischage from this Hospital I began to feel really unwell with chest pains and severe breathlessness.
Unfortunately I had to to be rushed in again and this time needless to say I went to a different hospital. They were wonderful and after a series of tests and a special scan of my chest using a radio active dye I was told that I had a pulmonary embolism.
I was discharged after a couple of days and shown how to inject Klaxine into my tummy and put on a dose of Warferin which also involved having a nurse in. each day to take blood in order to evaluate the INR (whatever that is) so that they. Can adjust the dose of Warferin.
I am pleased to say that after a week of Klaxine plus Warferin I am begining to feel a lot better and being fed things like liver and bacon and steak by my lovely wife to build my strength up.
The remarkable thing is that my PMR symptoms have at last settled down dramatically and after 21 months of yo yoing on prednisolone I am now down to 13 mg so I am feeling rather pleased on that front.
I have thought about sueing that awful Hospital and my daughter has asked me if I really want the stress of it all.
The truth is I have been to hell and back but it feels good that I am getting stronger every day and for that I feel unimaginably grateful so I am putting this behind me for my own sanity.
Thank you for allowing me to share this journey.