Has anyone tried ganglion impar block, lumbar sympathetic block, hypogastric block, sacral nerve root block or radiofrequency pudendal nerve? Anyone tried epidural infusion for pelvic pain? Would welcome any experiences.
Pudendal neuropathic pain: Has anyone... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
Pudendal neuropathic pain

I have had pulsed radiofrequency of the pudendal nerve. Unfortunately, it did nothing for me.However, I know it has worked well for some other people.
I have had many pudendal nerve blocks which brought me little or no relief. I did have from memory pulsed nerve stimulation? which held for 4 brilliant weeks but my health insurance won't pay for any more of anything.
There are people that get good releif from blocks but I must add from my experience I wish I had been a lot more cautious and assertive about my blocks. I feel I had too many and am my symptoms are worse and I take alot more medication. Choose your pain management specialist carefully. Good luck.
I have had 2 Ganglion Impar blocks and I didn't get any relief and it was uncomfortable. I understand it does work on some people. Never tried the pulsed nerve stimulation.

Pulsed nerve stimulation, how does that work, is it similar to Tens?