Hello, I've been searching for answers everywhere but no one can seem to help me. I'm only young and this has been tearing my life apart for almost 3 months now. My symptoms are things like burning in the vulva, vagina, hurts more when I piss and about an hour or two after I have, pelvis, and now it's spreading to my back and sometimes feels like I'm shitting a knife. As I said these feelings are continuous and have been for months now and it's very difficult because I'm not gettig any answers.
It started off with just burning to piss. I would feel a bit sore down there and pissing would burn a lot, but I didn't think much of it. After a week of it, I started googling yeast and bacterial infections. I got treatment for a yeast infection though it wouldn't go away. I used the cream for about one or two weeks and took three tablets in that time. The pain just worsened and I would spend my nights crying in chronic pain. I couldn't take this anymore. I went to a doctor and he said it disnt sound like a yeast infection if it didn't go away with that amount of treatment. He did a test for yeast and bacterial infection. Both came back negative and I was told that it was a "rash" from a "reaction" and that it would go away. I didn't believe this.
I spent Christmas in bed sleeping, as the only time when I'm not in pain is if I'm asleep or drunk which I've grown to do considering it takes away the pain. No matter how much codiene, ibuprofen, panadol, anything from over the counter, doesn't work. I'm still in excruciating pain.
About 6 weeks passed and I went to the hospital from how bad the lain was. They dismissed me as "hormones" and advised I went on the pill to sort this out, along with giving me tablets for period pain. Thanks, but I think I know whether this is "period pain" considering I had it for 6 weeks straight. It was obvious the hospital didn't listen anymore than the doctors. the only good things they did was test for PID and a pelvic ultra sound which came back normal.
It's becoming worse and worse and I'm really unsure what to do. I've been doing my own research and found Out that pne sounds exactly exactly what I have. There are no symptoms I don't have.
I found a chripractor in hope she would be able to help. She'd never heard of pne but told me her thoughts - get the back in line and everything else should sort itself out. She did nerve testings that apparently showed that there were no nerves entrapped anywhere in my spine, but I believe there could be in my actual vulva area. She sent me
For x rays as apparently I seemed off and came to find I had a neck injury, a long left rib, and uneven pelvis. She said my pelvis was jammed and was not moving. I've seen her twice in 4 days and seeing her again in a few days. She has helped it, maybe a little, but not everything. She's helped my back And tingling in my feet a fair bit but not helping "down there" at all which was the only problem I really had anyway.
Anyway, does this then sound like PNE? I've tried everything and school goes back soon, which i am thinking I'll have to drop out if I can't get them to email work to me at home as I cannot sit for long if at all. I have had to take a few weeks off work as well because it hurts so badly afterwards from all the bending and moving. Sometimes it hurts so much I just want to die because that's the only way I feel I'll be in peace. I was happy where my life was heading before this happened, and now I can't move from bed without being in agony.
Any suggestions would be helpful. I'm thinking about surgery in Sydney but this is a scary procedure, and I want to know if there's ANY other possibilities other than this and that vulvodynia thing. Thanks everyone.