So I have been suffering with pelvic pain for 10 months now. About 2 weeks ago, I went to the GP for the umpteenth time to ask for help. The woman I saw did a vaginal swab. A few daays later I checked my online NHS account for the results. They are apparently "inconclusive". But, it also said that I have an overgrowth of Strep B bacteria in my vagina. A day after I read the results I received a text saying I need to make an appointment to discuss the test results. When I called the surgery they said the soonest appointment they could get me was 5 weeks away, and it wasn't even an in-person appointment! It was a phone appointment. So I scheduled it. But, I am feeling very frustrated and worried. I looked up overgrowth of Strep B online, and it said I could have a bacterial infection in my vagina. If I have an infection, why do I have to wait over a month to get help. Surely leaving the bacteria to grow for 5 more weeks is going to make it worse!
What am I supposed to do?