I am 46. I have had a rough couple of years. In lockdown I discovered I had gallstones and a large kidney stone. It was only the gallstones causing attacks. That was removed successfully. I then had a ureteroscopy to remove the kidney stone. This lead to ureteral spasms months afterwards. I then had a cystoscopy and stent for two months which was sheer agony. During this time I was also diagnosed with colitis and started HRT evorel 50 sequi.
Months passed and my periods became irregular with severe pain. So advised to have a Mirena.
A recent ultrasound has shown a new fibroid and hydrosapinx in right side. As well as a bulky uterus.
The pelvic pain is now so intense it is unbearable and have even visited A & E.
I am booked in for another op for urethral balloon dilation on Wednesday which I am dreading.
The pain is all left sided and I’m so confused as to what it could be? Damage from op for kidney stone, colitis, hormones/hrt? Before operations apart from gallbladder attacks I was fine.
Any ideas or similar experiences?