I am female and have pudendal neuralgia. I have been managing with at Putriums foam coccyx cushion for many years. However, I currently experiencing a frighteningly painful flare up. I was thinking of buying a Cushion Your Assets twin cheek cushion. Can anyone recommend these? Are these available to buy in the UK or would I need to buy directly from the US? Does anyone have any other recommendations?
Best cushion for pudendal neuralgia - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
Best cushion for pudendal neuralgia

I have tried so many different cushions that I had a closet full. Ccoyx cushion have worked the best for me. I have also low back pain so I sit on one and use the second behind my back. Seems to help. I did not have any luck at all with the twin cheek cushion. Maybe it was just me. Hopefully you will find some relief . I have also posted about the vaginal suppository that certainly seem to help. Good luck.
Thank you very much for your reply. It is good to hear your thoughts. Very much appreciated.
It is such a personal thing. It depends on your pain, body, and the use for the cushion. I've found no relief in half a dozen of them. My one recommendation is to purchase through Amazon from a seller who follows their return policy. You should be able to return for any reason for a refund and no shipping cost.
That is a useful tip. I must admit I was sceptical about buying from Amazon. I thought there may be a lot of companies that make big claims but sell inferior products. I shall have a look to see what companies sell through Amazon. Thank you.
I have purchased so many things from Amazon including the cushions..I also have purchased Emuaid which also helps take the vaginal burning away. In fact..I actually mentioned it to my OBGYN and before I finished the word…she said emuaid. Good luck it sometimes takes us personally to do a little research.
I’m using a cushion pillow that I ordered from the theraseat.com site. It really helps with the sitting pain. I’m using in in the car or anywhere if I need to seat for more than an hour. this website has been recommended by my PT.
Good luck!
Thank you Agnessa. I have just looked at the website. They are out of stock on all of their cushions, except for the most expensive one, which is for people over 200lbs. I can’t see how much they would charge to ship to the UK . I will keep an eye on their website to see if the others come back in stock.
I looked on the website and I cannot see anything about them shipping their cushions internationally. I have contacted them and will update my post when/if I get an answer.
That is very kind. Thank you.
I finally received a reply. The cushions are back in stock now. Also they do ship internationally, but it costs a fortune. The only shipping option is priority mail and it costs $72.55. So add that to the cost of the cushion which is $94.95 and the total is $167.50.
hi I had every cushion in the world bought and shipped from everywhere . Since starting vaginal oestrogen all my pain and symptoms went away and I no longer need them .
Hi,I use what is called a pudendal cushion and have found it to be very helpful. They have just made a travel size too which is great because it folds in half and has 2 handles. I couldn't survive without them. I have included a photo of the travel size pudendal cushion. However, I live in Australia so I am not sure if they post overseas.
The company is called Pelican Manifacturing. Their website is pelicanmanufacturing.com.au, or email them at sales@pelicanmanufacturing.com.au They are located in Western Australia.
Hope this helps. All the best.
Also, just to add to my comment above, I checked the website pelicanmanufacturing.com.au in Australia and they do post overseas but I have no idea what the postage would cost.
That looks good and I like the idea of the travel size . I have sent them an email to ask about cost of shipping to the UK. Thank you for your help.
Hi,I really hope you like the travel size pudendal cushion. I.love it as it fits easily on a car seat and it is very easy to carry around with you when out and about.
I still use the normal size pudendal cushion on my chair at home as it is bigger but more cumbersome when going out hence the reason for purchasing the smaller one. They are great cushions and as I have said I wouldn't be without them.
Take care and I sincerely hope you find some relief from this debilitating condition of pudendal neuralgia.
My new travel size pudendal cushion made by Pelican Manufacturing arrived today. It took a week to get from Australia to the UK and it was tracked all the way. I will be road testing it over the forthcoming weeks.
I do hope you like it. Please let me know how you find it. Take care