Hi everyone, I hope that you are having as pain free a day as possible. Just an update on my follow up appointment.
I had probably one of the worst weeks of my life last week. Weaning off morphine and Citalopram, side effects from the Duloxitine and then such a bad flare up of the burning pain that I did not sleep for four days and nights. I jerked and spasmed, sweated and shivered. I felt that I would lose my mind. So when I saw the Consultant on Tuesday I wanted the nerve blockers badly but she refused to do them.
I felt gutted and then she explained my resting heartbeat was 144, my BP was raised, my breathing was laboured from sheer exhaustion. Then she told me that the combined pain from the osteoarthritis, Bechets, hamstring injury and the onset of the pelvic pain had set my autonomic nervous system into crisis. I did not really understand all the medical terminology she used but she said that she now understood why I had told her the agitation was much worse than the pain. She said the autonomic system can affect heart rate, breathing, bowel and bladder function. Sweating, shivering, balance, dropping things, being clumsy, sleep all the things the medical profession have shrugged at for 15 years.
My reality she said is that whike my body is twitching, and hypersensitive it would be difficult to differentiate which nerves in my pelvis were affecting me causing the pain. She said she wants to damp down my system and control my pain first. I have to exchange my morphine for another opioid which works differently. I am unable to have it prescribed on the NHS until such time as I have completed a four week drug trial , after which time she will confirm it’s success ( or not) and then the GP can prescribe it.
I am due to have a pre op assessment for my first knee replacement next week but she has warned that should I go ahead there is a very high chance that I will die on the table. I was also warned that if the body is not “ calmed” then my heart could stop beating or I could stop breathing.
I have a mixture of emotions. Relief that someone has at last recognised the cause of my symptoms and not tried to give me Diazapam or merely shrugged. Anger that with all the Rheumatologists, Neurologists, Haematologists, Urologists, Gastroenterologists and Gp’s I have seen in the past 15 years have failed me badly. Apprehension as to where this journey will take me.
I have to see her again in October and if my body is calmer she will agree a date for the nerve blockers.