hello all, just find out I have a 15cm fibroid that has been causing me issues. Anyone else had the same and successful removal?
hello all, just find out I have a 15cm fibroid that has been causing me issues. Anyone else had the same and successful removal?
I had a hysterectomy and that solved all my problems. I was a few years older than you and sure didn’t plan on having more children. I wish I hadn’t waited so long the fibroid made traveling pretty uncomfortable. I now take bio identical hormones from a compounding pharmacy. I wish you well!
I am so happy for you! How was your fibroid discovered, if I may ask. Doctors have told me that imaging in useless. Thanks for your help.
Hi Raeakyring,
Just wondering how you are getting on with your fibroid appointments?
I have a 9cm Intramural Fibroid which is causing lots of issues. I've had 2 ultrasound scans and now just waiting to see the Gynae team for a plan 🤞
Hope you have some answers for yours x