Hi, I've just discovered this book by Prof James Malone-Lee and wondered if anyone has had any luck in getting this type of treatment from the NHS?
I've currently got a recurrent UTI which antibiotics are only handling while I'm taking them. As soon as they finish it just comes back. I'm treating it myself at the moment with two courses of Amoxicillin I had in the house from previous infections (I've been having this problem, getting progressively worse, since at least 2015). I intend to take one after the other in an attempt to really KILL it, but if it doesn't work I'll need to go back to my doc's and try and convince them to treat it as a chronic UTI and I'd like to use his approach. However, as is normal, my last (and only) urinary test came back negative, which is hardly surprising given how many antibiotics I've had and how much water I drink!
Anyone familiar with his work and been able to use it to get similar help from an NHS GP?
P.S. I've had longstanding bladder sensitivity, urge incontinence, painful urethra etc for years now. I've never bothered trying to get it treated because I'm 64 and have no expectations of ANY doctor, male or female, taking any of it seriously, but I feel it is EXCATLY what he claims, an infection which is well-embedded in my bladder, that is causing all these problems and is now causing more and more UTI infections. Any help appreciated thanks!