I get terrible pelvic pain after pooping which radiates to my genital and pubic region and other areas including being felt deep in the rectum. I've been wondering if my quality of life would be improved by having a temporary ileostomy to give my bowels some healing time as all my pain seems triggered by going to the toilet and yet I'm none the wiser as to what is causing the problems, whether it be nerves that are red raw or muscles. One thing's for sure: something down there is not working as it should and I'm just wondering if any of you have had an ileostomy which has actually improved your quality of life and reduced your pain and suffering? I'm seeing a gastroenterologist soon and will be asking the question but I just wanted to do some research and get some feedback from those in the know. My best wishes to you all. Seeking answers to such complex problems is so taxing but I will never give up trying for myself and my family. I just want to be able to enjoy life again. God bless you all. Thank you.