My been asking for help for more than a year now, the hospital won’t acknowledge my prolapse bowel, it feel sitting on lumps of hard poo,and I can now also feel my bowel wrapped across my chest and under my neck,I’ve lost a stone in weight and now only weighting 6st 2, you can count the ribs on my back,yet my abdomen is extended,I can’t fit in any of my jeans and have wear elasticated trousers,I can’t sit flat on my bum, has it is to painfull,I’ve always have the urge to push,and yellowish discharge. I can not drive my car or ride my bike. I have lost my job of 15 years of being a gas engineer now, due to being of work for more than a year now and still no diagnosis.
How do I get the hospital to diagnose... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
How do I get the hospital to diagnose my prolapse bowel

Hi Tonibrown
I would suggest you try to see your GP and see if you can get a more urgent referral. You deserve to get help and treatment. Best Wishes
Sorry to hear of your troubles. In 2015 I had a haemmorage from my colon and hospitalised for 7dys. I was prescribed antibiotics and like yourself had lost a lot of weight.
On my return to day clinic the consultant was so rude and dismissive in saying that not enough blood was going to my Bowel but then backtracked to say my Dysfunctional bowel was inoperable due to serious risk of complications and referrerd me to pain clinic. I felt completely dismissed and abandoned and also lost my dream job in teaching due to chronic pain.
After 2yrs of suffering pain and unable to poop properly I decided to change hospitals and got a female consultant.
Within 3ths I was diagnosed with colitis and levator-ani syndrome and now have to use daily trans-anal irrigation and manual extraction. It was a relief to be listened to and acknowledged and while consultant agreed surgery was too risky due to complications of Bowel adhesions they actually sat with me and discussed a treatment plan to help me manage symptoms.
I still have really bad flare ups but I now have a fantastic care team (all female) who help support me.
We know our bodies better than anyone and know when something isn't right. If you have to, change doctors, demand a second opinion, and don't lose hope. All you need is to find that one person to actually listen to you and ask how they can help you.
I wish you good health and good luck in getting the help you are entitled to.
Hi, sorry to hear your problem. Gas your GP or Consultant diagnosed you with prolapse bowel? If not you need your GP to refer you to see a rectocele surgeon who would look inside your anus (this is not painful) with a tiny camera and this would confirm whether you have a prolapse or haemorrhoids. As for the feeling of your bowels wrapped around your chest and neck, I think you may be having panic attacks which can make you feel this way. With your weight loss you should go back to your GP and if not been referred to a specialist then demand that's what you want him to do. You might have thrombos haemorrhoids which are very painful, but not life threatening. I had a rectocele op in 2018 , a very painful op but worth it as all corrected. I wish you the best and let us know the outcome please. Regards
I went to my GP asked for bowel scan,but she sent me for a CT liver scan,and when it came to getting results,they denied they sent me for any scan,I asked a private consultant to get results,it said although it was the wrong scan it showed both small and large bowel was collapsed but yet appeared normal, I asked what that meant,they said it meant nothing.this was over a year ago.then I was sent for colonoscopy,the bowel prep didn’t do nothing,my bowels still felt very full,when having the colonoscopy I never felt anything,and was all over in about 10 mins, I had no pain relief and walked back to the ward,I told the nurse my bowel are still very much the same,was told the consultant was very good at his job and it must be in my head,this was February this year and was told I had to wait for gastro consultant to send me appointment,after waiting 5 months,for appointment,they said the consultant had left the NHS.they a different consultant rang me up and said I had slow transit and referral to pain clinic,I asked for pictures of my colonoscopy, my name and details are blacked out, and my X-ray is the same,I do not believe they are my pictures.i went down the complaint route, and now have be given proctogram x-ray,and now waiting for appointment,
Hi, I cant believe the way you are being treated. Do you still have the date &time when your appointment was as they say you never went? Who is sending you for the protogram xray is it the hospital consultant? This will show any problems you have including the lower bowel which you think is causing your problem such as a prolapse. Different to how they found mine out, by a small camera up the back passage that only shows the small bowel. Not sure how long you have been waiting for this Protogram but if a few weeks and your still so bloated and losing weight ask you GP to speed things up for you. Please let us know how you get on and I wish you luck. What hospital you under? xx
You deserve better treatment. Go back to your GP and explain what you have said here. Do you mean you feel bowel symptoms referring to other areas like your neck and chest? Is it like a heavy feeling? I hope things start looking up for you soon.
Yeah heavy feelings of my bowels across my chest and under my neck
Have you found out what is causing it?
No still waiting for appointment for results of the proctogram x-ray I had on the 8 October,I’ve asked my GP to chase it up over a week ago, still waiting.
GP rang me back today and told me I have a sort of bowel prolapse,but don’t have the full. Details and will have to wait for gastro to send me appointment,I may or may not need a operation as Gp don’t have the full details, going to get the results the Gp has so far on Monday.I can’t believe that the LRI have treated me like this, they knew I had a collapsed bowel, October last year, has seen on the liver CT scan,I wonder if consultant mr Rathbone will now treat me for bowel prolapse or say it means nothing and said I had slow transit has he said in pils meeting.