I'm 35 years old and white. Having fibroids in me is really getting me down. I feel like I could cry, as I struggle to cope. I feel really alone in Aberdeen. I really would like to hear on how other people coped.
I'm New, Fibroids.: I'm 35 years old... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
I'm New, Fibroids.

I too have fibroids but have been discharged from the hospital, l also have a friend that has them and she has had a coil fitted and says she feels a lot better now, if my symptoms persists this will be my next move too.
I have fibroids too, two apparently. Doc put me on cerazette bit bled constantly then doubled dose to see if that would help. 14weeks later and still bled so I came off it had the most horrendous night when I couldn't get off the loo for 3 hrs bleeding was awful. Rang docs next day and she gave me norethisterone which has stopped it completely. Feel normal for first time in 4 months. On iron tablets and now just waiting for referral to gynae. Long wait due to pandemic. Im 51 and would love them to say hysterectomy but doubt they will. I can't stand the thought of bleeding anymore. They'll likely offer the coil to help.bleeding but I've heard lots of negativity about this.
Speak to your doc and tell them how you're feeling they might offer support.
Hi I had a fibroid diagnosis in 2014 I was 36 it took me a while to manage the pain and bleeding I used transmit acid to help control the bleeding so I could function and look after the family and I managed the pain with ibuprofen paracetamol and codeine some days I couldn't get out of bed I was so ill I had UFE syrgery where a radiologist injects crystals into the veins that supply blood to the fibroid i was told after the op the fibroid should die and maybe come out of my body it didn't come out now I have another fibroid that is 7cm I have found out today that it is linked to the 1st one do as much research as you can and hopefully you will find something that will work for you I could not function without my transemic tablets it's so hard when you can't move off sofa never mind leave the house in case you have a flooding episode stay strong I hope you can find something to help.you
Sorry to hear what you are going through. I really understand what the pain is like, that fibroids can cause to your abdomen.
Thankyou, I will try to stay strong with the help from my mum as I thank the lord I have her every day.
I'm hoping in time the doctors will find something that will work for me I just find it hard to accept it might be a while especially with the Coronavirus on the go.
Thanks for giving me the strength and your kind words of encouragement.
P.S Do you know of any online support groups for people with fibroids?
Hi I have just had the news hystercomy will be the best way to deal with mine because I have 3 so I have joined some closed Facebook groups where many women are going through the same thing search uterine Fibroids removal or Fibroids UK I hope this helps I have found it really useful and inspiring to be in the groups
Hi, I wish you good luck with your hysterectomy . You must be glad to be getting that done to get rid of the fibroids. Thanks for letting me know about the support groups I will look into it.
I'm glad to hear from you.
I have fibroids
So upsetting
Don’t feel Consultations help as they just hell bent on hysterectomies
It seems a bit to severe and I’m sure they could do something else less invasive
Have you taken a pregnancy test? My best friend had “fibroids “ despite being 42 and still on the pill. Turns out she was 6 months pregnant. Periods never stoped. Take a test.