Can u have a period on mini pill I’ve been on it 9days now and my period was due in 3 days time but I’m on today is this normal and what are people experience taking the destroil pill (spelt that wrong) I thought u don’t get a period on the pill and with bad cramps too 😦
Mini pill: Can u have a period on mini... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
Mini pill

Hi LISaprag,
Have you just started this pill? It can take a while for the body to adjust which might be why you have had a bleed. Plus being a few days early isn’t anything to worry about when starting a new pill. With the pill it’s really important that you take it the same time each day and a single missed dose can result in a bleed which isn’t really a period but more of a breakthrough bleed.
Another reason might simply be that this type of pill doesn’t agree with you so it might be worthwhile going back to your GP and ask for an alternative. The same with the cramps. Are you taking the pill for pelvic pain or has this pill caused your pelvic pain?
There are other options out there including the mirena or the implanon implant which is placed in the arm. I’ve had both which unfortunately didn’t help my bleeding or pelvic pain so am now on a long term off licence treatment for my gynae pain.
I hope some of this helps but please feel free to contact me or post on here if you need further advice
I get pelvic pain 5 days before a period every month it so bad it feels like I have a uti someone said could be endo but I don’t get heavy or painful periods never and when I get a period this pain goes away so doc said try the mini pill I’ve Been ok on it just sore breasts and I feel like it’s a period I’m on no pain while on period just lots of gas so embarrassing 😁
I had a period every time on the mini pill, sometimes I'd have a period after a week of my other one ending, and sometimes it would be 3 months, I was on it a year and they never settled! The mini pill was the one I found the worst, as the constant taking it gave me really bad symptoms like my period needed to start! Might be worth sticking it out a little longer and seeing if anything improves x
What one was u on do u know when u bleed is it a period it looks like a period but the cramps are little stronger
I was on cerazette and had full on periods each time, they've always been painful for me and on the pill was no different, just made me feel in more pain for the rest of the month too!