Hi. Ive been under treatment for chronic pelvic pain for 2+ years now with no real relief. Because the pain is triggered by sex (it can be there anyway but i know this makes it worse) i went to a gyne who did a lap and found nothing that in her opinion was related to gyne but she did agree it may be due to some type of damage caused from an emergency appendectomy 6 months before the pain started.
Im back at the hospital again at the end of July for another assessment with anothet gyne who specialises in pelvic pain. Ive tried amytriptiline and gabapentin and both gave no relief but side effects instead so ive had to come off them. Pain during and after sex with my partner is becoming worse and im scared its permament and that its going to keep getting worse. I know its triggered / inflamed by sex and moderate exercise but the pain can be there anyway in varying severities. Any advice please ? The pain during sex is really getting me down and with it getting worse over the past few weeks im worried.
Thanks for any responses i really appreciate it.