Stemcell Paste
My name is Peggy Rogers. I developed pudendal neuropathy after a vaginal hysterectomy in 1996. I've tried surgeries, neurostimulators, nerve blocks, cryosurgery, radio frequency, & medications galore! The only therapy that relieved my pain is stem cells. For the past 4 years, I'VE HAD ADIPOSE STEMCELLS. ON January 18,2017, I received an injection of stem cell paste to my pudendal nerve. My doctor told me that this stem cell paste is highly concentrated with stem cells.The stem cells will stay in my body for 2 years at the injection site. The stem cells will be healing & combating inflammation for 2years. This is the first time I've received the injection. The stem cell paste is a new advancement in stem cell therapy. It has been 5days since the procedure. I have no pelvic pain. I only have soreness & mild spasms/tingling of my pelvis. I highly recommend my doctor. He has experience as an gynecology physician. He presently practices as a cosmetic surgeon. The procedure involves a mini lipo-suction to obtain adipose tissue. Then through innovative computerized device, the stem cells are separated & counted. 70 million stem cells were extracted from my abdominal adipose tissue. I received the stem cells by injection & IV. I received light sedation for the procedure. He travels worldwide teaching other physicians about stem cells. The clinic is very clean & modern. The staff are very kind & professional. I can now start weaning off my intrathecal pump. I will post updates on my recovery.