I have a rectocele prolapse and having difficulty going to the toilet the doctor is not helping and don't know where to turn with it anyone had a rectocele and how did they deal with it
A rectocele prolapse: I have a... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
A rectocele prolapse

I had the same for a few years and ended up having surgery. I wish I had been offered more conservative treatment first...I would suggest a specialist bowel nurse and definitely a specialist women's health physiotherapist. If you do end up seeing a surgeon, make sure it is a urogynaecologist with plenty of prolapse experience or a colorectal surgeon. I'm sure there are others on here who can help too.
Get a referral to a consultant. They will try you with conservative management before offering surgery. I use an irrigation system daily - there are different ones available - which I get on prescription. I have also started using 'digitation' and my physiotherapist has suggested trying something called 'Femezze' which I can use instead of digitation.
Good luck.
what is digitation never heard of it is it a tablet and I have not been offered anything to help me
It's the technical term for sticking your finger, in my case my thumb, up your vagina to apply pressure to your rectum to help you evacuate. I find it very helpful and it means I don't strain so much. My physio calls it 'splinting'. You can google 'Femmeze' (spelling wrong in my previous post)It looks like a shoe horn and it's to be used instead of sticking your fingers up. I haven't tried it yet though.
Ask about an irrigation system. I mainly use Qufora mini one but I also have a peristeen one - but that takes much longer to use. Both are on prescription, but you probably need to see a colorectal nurse to get one. What area do you live in?
You've got 2 excellent replies, Christie. I can't add much cause my long-time experience of rectal prolapse & getting this treated agrees with the advice in both of these replies. So I just want to say please do follow their advice
🍀🍀🍀🍀 coco
Thanks has anyone had a rectocele surgery to repair it I would like to know consultant reluctant to do surgery but feel that I need it cos things are that bad
Surgery is a big step. I had a posterior vaginal repair which only involves using stitches to repair the prolapse. Unfortunately in my case it caused nerve damage, but this is rare. Make sure you see a urogynaecologist that specialises on these repairs. Also, although I didn't realise it because I had daily bowel movements, I was constipated. Also had an intessuseption which was undiagnosed so I continued to strain when going. Without dealing with these issues my repair failed within 6 months. It is really a case of managing it and getting a good diagnosis first. You may need to continue managing it even after surgery. Maybe try a pessary to see if that 'fixes' the problem as it simulates a repair in a way. I've since had surgery to repair my problems and am much better. But I still need to manage bowel movements to avoid straining, it's a lifelong thing to prevent recurrence. I hope this helps.
Hi had rectocele done with mesh 9 yrs ago,at first I would say it was fantastic I had no pain could go to toilet without helping my bowel to empty but after 2 yrs I'm back to constant pain, swollen stomach and having to assist my bowel to empty they also didn't tell me that after this procedure that having sex would be painful and virtually impossible I am suing NHS because I have discovered I have mesh errosion and could end up with a colostomy