Hello I'm 44 and have always experienced severe dyspareunia. Had 4 laposcopies, about to have a 5th next weak *sigh* . I have a 7 fibroids and a retroverted uterus. All the gynacologist say there is nothing wrong that the fibroids are not the problem and that the position of my uterus is not the problem. I've been told that it's psychological even when I've explained that it very much is not. The pain on penatration feels like something very deep inside is being hit and it is agony. Accompanied with this pain is the fact that my bladder feels like it is about to burst but when i stop sex and rush to wee actually there's nothing to come out. So for what ever reason penatration over stimulates my bladder.
I long to have a sex life. I long to have a child. I fear both will never happen. It's so lonely not having a partner. Has anybody else ver experienced any thing like this and if so how do you get the medical profession to take you seriously?
Just to give you the full picture I also have spina bifida occulta with a tethered spinal cord and regularly experience agony when emptying my bowels (pain that's nothing to do with constipation or fissures), it's pain that takes my breath away like my rectum is being burnt by the faeces as it passes through. Sometimes I cannot empty my bladder if my bowels are 'full' but not 'full' enough to empy so I have to wait needing to wee but not being able to.
Aplogies if this it too much information, it's my fist post.
Many thanks folks.