Hi! I’ m from Romania and I have a gorgeous 4 years daughter. She was absolutely normal until she was 2years and a half when , one night, she instantly start coughing until she vomed.
From that moment , she never stoped. We tried everything: a lot of meds, dictors , analyisis. Nothing stoped her from coughing. Her cough is mostly dry , with moments when it becomes wet, but not extremely productive. She had moments when she vomed mucus. In this time, doctors said asthma, but the meds din’t really helped. She shas moments when she coughs a little and moments when she coughs continously.
She never had pneumonia, wheezing or others. She never had ears problems. Never even a sound from her chest. She ‘s coighing mostly daily, rarely in the night, beside the moments when she s in a crize.
After Chrristmas , this year, she started coughing a looooot. Wet and dry in the same time and sneezing a lot( snnezing is a simptom of her since she was little, cause she also have some alergies and rhinitis in spring). She started to sneeze with a lot of mucus. Doctors did a CT and saw sinusitis. All her sinuses blocked with mucus. We are on antibiotics and she seems better but i always observed a better condition on her while she’s on antibiotics.
What we discovered in all this coughibg time was haemophilus in her sputum( many times) even if she was on antbs, the haemophilus was still there, and a streptococum pneumonaie in her nose. We did a bronchoscopia last winter and she had thick mucus with haemophilus in her bronchia.
She is not a sensitive kid, she s going to kindergarten and not becomes ill very often.
Beside this horibble cough, nothing. And now this sinusite.
Never runny nose, or congestionant nose.
Doctors said may be pcd. We sent blood for a genetic test in SUA and waiting for the result. But i feel very nervous abd shocked and i don t know what s happening to her.
Is somebody with a similar row on discovering pcd?