Bone Scan: How soon after your consultant... - PBC Foundation

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Bone Scan

15 Replies

How soon after your consultant appointment did you have your bone scan?

15 Replies
nannan profile image

I had my bone scan very soon after my first consultant appointment I saw him in July of last year and have had liver scan, bone scan, MRI and will be having liver biopsy next week so I feel that I have been treated fairly quickly and also saw the consultant every 2 weeks for a period of 10 weeks and monthly thereafter and now 2 monthly.

Hello donkey.

Don't know where you are but I'm in England.

I've only ever had a scan round the abdomen area in 2010 and bloods done. No mention of liver biopsies as I was diagnosed with PBC due to itching and fatigue at the time and also positive result for AMA.

I've not had any mention of bone scan (I presume you mean a DEXA?). I conclude that perhaps my blood results along with my age (I was 46 at the time, 48 now) and the fact I am also still having menstruation that I'm not yet deemed in the category for a bone scan. My bone bloods are quite fine and my Vit D levels were normal last yr too, just get the slight dip in the winter months.

PS It only took me 13wks from the GP referring me for my original gastro appt prior to diagnose! My 2nd appt after the AMA was a tad longer (but my GP gave me the diagnose from the gastro 8wks after my first appt).

I think he sent me for a bone scan about 12 months after my PCB diagnosis if I remember correctly and I have severe established osteoporosis but I was told way back in 1997 by another GP that I had slight Osteo so it wasn't a suprise.

Ellanvannin profile image

I saw a consultant 10th December and received my appointment for a bone scan yesterday. Go on Tuesday.

To add further, it appears that different areas of England (not sure where a couple of you are on the map?) do things slightly differently.

Out of interest did any of you have a reason why you were going to have a bone scan? I know when I had the liver and bone bloods missed out last Sept (I know, had been going 18mths to the surgery for repeat bloods and then that happens! Had to go back Oct), I mentioned to the GP when he said he wanted a tel appt to discuss and he said the bone results of mine were actually 'of no concern' and looking at them, apart from one (which I can't recall at the moment but it isn't so abnormal, just a few points and I seem to think it is the albumin one) as I think had they of been then I might have been invited for one.

I know once I reach the menopause and IF I see a GP and am asked I do expect a bone scan will be recommended.

debg profile image

im waiting for my bone scan i was told lacking in vit d

Pat_H profile image

Hi Donkey

I fell down a gravel slope in a quarry - walking the Cotswold Way - and had been to the hospital and had my leg put in plaster about three days before my first ever meeting with the liver consultant - this was the meeting when he gave me the diagnosis of PBC.

The bone doctor didn't think I needed a bone density scan. However, as a precaution, and because I'd just been dianosed with PBC, the liver consultant did. The bone density scan showed up no problems, possibly because I've taken Vitamin D3 pills for years, I walk a lot, and have been on HRT ever since my menopause.

Pat _H

P.S. My leg healed very quickly. After three weeks the plaster cast came off and I had to wear a hard plastic boot fastened with velcro around a foam casing. I had to take the boot off several times every day to do certain exercises to get and keep my leg and foot muscles working. At the end of six weeks I was walking again, with no limp.

Thankyou all for your answers. The DEXA scan is part of routine management of PBC in my area, due to some PBC patients malabsorbing calcium and VitD which can lead to osteoporosis.

Junolee profile image

Hi Donkey, I was diagnosed PBC end of May 2012. Live in Ireland. Had bone scan start of October 2012, also on steroids so they were mindful of that. Got results at my last consultation and do have osteoporosis. Prescribed Bonita, one a month - first one on Sunday (more meds, but sure if it can help reverse damage won't complain). I am 44. My Mother has osteoporosis too, I was vegetarian until my 30's, now I eat fish, have a intolerance to milk etc so everything conspired against me. On a positive note I walk an hour a day, stopped smoking 5 years ago, no longer drink alcohol, don't touch fizzy drinks and eats lost of oils, nuts and veggies. Calcium tabs twice a day. I know I should prob stop coffee, but at this stage it's all I have :)

Val02 profile image

I think a bone scan is recommended for everyone with PBC. I had one done at the age of 49yrs and results showed Osteoporosis. Be careful not to confuse Osteoporosis caused by PBC with Old Age Osteoporosis - one progresses slowly and the other is classed as agressive.

After much debate amongst the medical community in rheumy they have classed me as havng Imflammatory Osteoarthritis. If you have PBC and havent had a bone scan I would strongly recommend you ask for one - mine was organised by gastro.

SC49 profile image

I've never had a bone scan or a biopsy and have never been offered either. I think as someone says there are different attitudes to managing PBC in different areas. I am in Ireland.

As far as I know, all my blood tests suggested that I don't need a bone scan at this time.

Val02 profile image

Do blood tests show osteoporosis? Always thought you needed a DEXA scan to find it, but maybe im wrong..?..

Magnolia profile image
Magnolia in reply to Val02

Blood work ups only reveal if you are low in Vit. D., you need a Dexa scan to find out if you have osteoporosis or osteopenia, the stage before osteoporosis. I do have osteoporosis. Even after having both ovaries out, I have been on HRT for about 20 yrs and my spine region is a -3, which is not good. I have also had a small compression fracture between my shoulder blades before.

I'm sure the PBC has been a part of me having it.I was taking Fosamax for yrs also, and then finally Reclaspe by injection. Now there has turned up a problem of women having been on these meds too long and it causing them to have too dense of bone, as to where the bone can't get the blood supply needed and leaving them with a broken femur or the dead jaw bone problem.


Shazbarr profile image

Hi I was also referred for a bone scan as my vitamin d was low & my bones are sometimes stiff, I am 39

bobbycat profile image

My first bone scan 3 years ago said I had the start of loss of bone density..I will be having another scan soon due to cirhossis..I am way past menopause ...... All my appointments of which there are many have always been quite fast so I am very lucky.

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