Anyone have a low WBC ( white blood count)? - PBC Foundation

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Anyone have a low WBC ( white blood count)?

amandarosas profile image
14 Replies

Hi everyone. I was wondering if any of you have ever had a low white blood count since being diagnosed with liver disease? I have just recently had blood work indicating low WBC

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amandarosas profile image
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14 Replies
Junolee profile image

I know this is something they watch out for now with me as I am on an immune suppressant but I am not sure it's something normally associated with PBC, I would imagine it would be higher levels normally as it's auto immune.

exy21 profile image

I had low WBC for several tests they kept an eye on it and eventually it went back to normal. They had no idea why but weren't overly concerned. The only problem that I had was because if it they wouldn't do a minor procedure what was ok anyway.

amandarosas profile image
amandarosas in reply to exy21

Well supposedly in advanced liver disease (cirrhosis) the WBC starts to go down. I was just diagnosed in June and for some reason my disease process is aggresive. I already have almost half of my liver thats Fibrosis, maybe even cirrhosis. Im not sure why its profressing so fast. A year ago I had a bormal liver on CT scan. This is crazy

exy21 profile image
exy21 in reply to exy21

I have pbc and aih and am on azathioprine. My pbc is progressing but thankfully not aggressively.

amandarosas profile image

Sorry for the typos im on my cell. I meant to say that a year ago my liver was normal on a CT scan. No fibrosis or anything.


Now I have read that the WBC can be slightly lower in PBCers.

Mine has fluctuated a bit since I started with the itch I have noticed. I know when the WBC is above normal range then it means the body is fighting infection.

For instance my bloods were good regards liver function in May as well as the GGT but the WBC was showing slightly higher than normal.

I recently had repeat bloods, the liver function and GGT has climbed slightly but the WBC is now just below what is considered the norm. I think if you look at the print-out and notice the WBC as well as others that aren't alarmingly past the normal range either way then to me it's not something I actually think about.

Think we all got to remember that in PBC several other blood results can be erratic. I know I have read that a lot of PBCers can have a slightly lower than norm iron level and mine is at present, seems to have been that was for last 2yrs now. Also my HB (red blood cell) has been just a point under the norm range for this yr anyway as not looked for last yr and if you were to look on the Mayo Clinic site (I am in England by the way, stumbled across this on internet on their blood test section), then it does state that it can be normal for women in particular to have a slightly lower than normal HB count and for majority it is how their body is, it adapts to it. I don't feel breathless or have palpitations, etc and feel energetic still and for me I'm def not worried at present.

PS A thought here, couldn't other meds in particular cause the WBC to fluctuate? I'm only taking urso so wouldn't know.

amandarosas profile image
amandarosas in reply to

I not on any medications. My LFTs have never been normal since diagnosis. There is no apparent reason for the low WBC. Im not sick and ALL of my blood work for the last two years or ever in my life have had a low WBC. So i think this is a sing that my liver disease is getting worse. My lfts never return to normal, always elevated, especially my GGT which is at 189.

in reply to amandarosas

Hello again.

Snap, me neither! I don't feel sick and like yourself my WBC has been slightly lower than norm except for back in May when it was reading just higher than normal.

Like yourself too,my LFTs have never returned to a normal state since I started urso back in Dec 2010. My GGT was 200 last month, slightly higher than it was May of which May gone was the lowest reading it had been since Dec 2010. So I'd say that it's not a sign the liver condition as I prefer to call it is 'getting worse'. Some PBCers LFTs never return to normal even when one is taking urso, they can improve to a significant state tho'.

I have heard and someone else will have to verify that there is some chart/graph which doctors use to plot our progress through the bloods. I was informed Sept by the doctor that mine were in a 'normal range' for one with PBC so if your GGT is slightly less than mine was Sept then I'd say that you are doing ok.

I'm pretty certain if the LFTs were spiralling beyond the beyond then the doctor would take note and 'haul you in' to see him/her.

Jtxx profile image

I am in the same situation as exy21. I have AIH/PBC Overlap Syndrome. I am in remission with the AIH part due to me being on the autoimmune suppressant drug called Azathioprine which, unfortunately, has lowered my WBC which makes me more succeptable to infection. Unfortunately, for us all, there is no remission with PBC but mine is progressing slowly, which is the best I can hope for (my LFT's are back to normal). Take care. X

amandarosas profile image
amandarosas in reply to Jtxx

When ur liver enzymes are elevated, is it all three? Like ALT, ALP, and AST? OR IS IT JUST ALP?

Tumbleweed41 profile image
Tumbleweed41 in reply to amandarosas

To start with all 3 were high with the Alk. Phos. extremely high. Now the ALT and AST are pretty normal and the Alk. Phos. is just a touch above normal.

I also have AIH/PBC Overlap Syndrome and am taking Azathioprine as well as Ursodiol.

Tumbleweed41 profile image
Tumbleweed41 in reply to Jtxx

Jtxx - - - "my LFT's are back to normal".

Whoo Hoo. Wonderful!! Mine are close but not quite there. -:(

Jtxx profile image

That's fantastic news tumbleweed41. Meant to say that I am also taking Urso for life for the PBC and a wee tip for everyone is to take it with food. I take 2 with breakfast and 2 with dinner (1000mg in total). Xx

in reply to Jtxx

Hello Jtxx.

As you may be aware as you recently commented on my blog think it was about how I have recently seen that urso has had the pharmacy instruction label changed.

I have always taken with food myself even before it was put on the label recently. I take 2 x 300mgs per day so one morn., one night. I took a dip in wrong direction with the LFTs from later last yr up until Feb this and then by May they were better than they had ever been with urso....but Sept GGT and then recent LFTs have climbed slightly. I can't say for certain but back before I had repeats done in May I did take a milk thistle along with the urso (took milk thistle with lunch) and with getting a better result thought it might be that. Needless to say I've not actually taken milk thistle very much in the period between May and when I had repeats Sept and Oct (I was unfortunate to have the LFTs missed in Sept for some reason!) seen a slight climb again so maybe it was that that helped?

I originally took the urso one at morning and then I'd have a few plain biscuits (Rich Tea) around 9p.m. and take the last tablet and not sure now if that had some bearing on the results in the 6mths prior to the dip in the wrong direction later last yr.

So I've now gone back to taking the urso as I originally did but now of course I don't get the heartburn that I did initially suffer when I first started on urso Dec 2010. Shall have to wait and see now but also thinking, it is possible that I might just remain as they have been doing which isn't bad apparently and at certain times in the yr (ie autumn throughout winter) maybe there will be that ultimate climb again like last yr?

I know if one is feeling so well and has the energy and the fatigue isn't really there after almost 2yrs on urso, surely that is a good sign. I'd like to say I got rid of the itch with the urso but it persists. It's changed since urso I can say that and it's now not as prevalent as it used to be, just the fact that if one can't sleep odd nights and it is with you, that is when it can be a big irritation.

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