I have been left wondering whether patients with PBC have the GGT blood test taken when they have their bloods on repeats.
When I did go to the hospital the consultant asked me to have blood done in 3 months after my visit as it was 6 months before my return there. He got a blood sample envelope out and said he'd write what he wanted the GP surgery to do and he said he'd write GGT in some additional space on it as he informed me that it 'is one that is normally missed in PBC'. I know on my return to the hospital it was also taken again.
Given that the last 2 times I've been to the GP surgery (Sept 2011 and last month) I seem to have had certain ones (LFTs and GGT) missed and had to return on another visit for them which is most annoying, has left me wondering about certain ones.
I normally have the full blood count each time (FBC) and I am certain that perhaps the LFTs come grouped together as 'liver' 'bone' and 'kidney'? Then there's the GGT. From what I understand, certain ones in the group, calculations can be made with regards to liver disease, ie the bone one.