Does anyone else out there have difficulty ... - PBC Foundation

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Does anyone else out there have difficulty in getting specialists to talk openly about blood results?

SamT profile image
7 Replies

My previous consultant used to flip up a table onto the screen and then immediately flick on to the lft's which were showing to improve. I saw two lines of red figures and when I asked what they were he said it was because of the steroids and not to worry. Now I have been taken off the steroids and put onto urso but still don't understand a THING! It's as if they huddle over the computer and only give out little bits.

Of course this could simply be my paranoia.

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Tell your doctor what you've told us, that you don't understand a THING! Don't be worried about what the doctor thinks of you, doctors deal with all sorts of personalities. Doctors are not superior, they are our partners in health care. Ask all the questions you want, even if your doctor is standing there with his/her hand on the door nob.

This is something I've noticed. If I take someone with me (hubby) the doctor seems more patient answering questions and is more forth coming with information. Harder to pull off the "I'm the busy doctor, don't bother me" thing with two other people in the room.

I've received really great care from wonderful doctors and I appreciate this. I want to be a good patient who understands my medical condition and I can only do this if a good doctor keeps me informed.

take care and ask questions!

SamT profile image
SamT in reply to

Really good advice! Thanks so much x

kosy2 profile image

Yes, yes, yes that is one reason I always get a copy of ANY test I have done. With the results in hand I find it easy to find the answers I need on the internet. If I then have any unanswered questions I ask at my next appointment.

Of course this has caused me problems with some specialists.....The ones that think they are gods and should never be questioned. That's when I walk out and find a doctor that is willing to be a medical partner not a dictator. After all everyone one is different when it comes to how far they are willing to go with a treatment.

zipitydoo profile image

My liver specialist has asked me to get my gp to run a full liver panel a week before I see him next and to give me a print out of the results to take to my appointment so we can go through them together. he also coppies me in to letters that get sent to my gp and I have had conformation from the surgery that I have to do this. Now I just have to remember to book the appointment. :-)

Judy48 profile image

You can request a copy of the bloodwork my hospital emails me all test results and I access them on line and then research any numbers that are elevated based on the normal range numbers which are usually on the far right side of test results . This helps me prepare my questions on a list prior to each of my appointments so I can leave with as much knowledge as possible. You are your best advocate and you know your body best. If the doctor wont answer your questions find a new doctor that's what I do . Hope this helps ....

EAJSWW profile image

This question seems to have come up a few times recently. I would say what others have said. Just tell your doctor, you would like to understand more about your condition and could he explain what the blood tests all mean.

I always worry about googling answers as you can look at 10 different pages and get 10 different answers. immunology is a difficult subject to get to grips with and a doc should be able to help simplify it for us.

I see my specialist about every 6 weeks presently and he always gives me a blood form to take away with me. I have the bloods done the week before I see him so he has fresh results. if I had to wait for my gp to do it, it would take me three weeks to get an appointment for nurse so its easier for me to pop up to the outpatients department.

I have been tempted to see a doctor and not say much, just to find out what info I leave the surgery with (this will be for med review).

I've found that the doctor (even the hospital consultant) seem to think a 'very good', 'improved/improving', 'notso good this time, repeat ? months (sooner)...' seem to be the norm with regards to giving a patient blood results.

When I had my repeats beg last wk., I dutifully rang the surgery 4 days later as asked and just got a 'very good' back and when I asked when I could collect print-out of them to look, was informed I had a letter in the post this time about them but my request would be passed to the GP to ok.

Ended up ringing again asking for the results and saying why and got them yest (another trail to surgery for them) and the letter I was sent only arrived today and that says basically nothing, waste of postage to me! NO figures but just the fact the results were compared to the last ones (March 1st) which were still elevating like Oct 2011's. Without the results in print-out I'd not have known that they were actually just as good and 2 better than the ones 5mths after starting urso (diagnosed Dec 2010, started urso then).

I'd NOT really get anywhere with the GP I seem to have got stuck with now as he did say March at review (I was discharged from hospital 'for now' back to GP Oct 2011) he 'didn't know why' I want a print-out of the results!!!!!

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