As a child and young woman I suffered with severe bouts of Tonsilitis resulting in prolonged periods of taking anti- biotics. Perhaps my immune system felt unnecessary as a result and now doesn't work so efficiently
has anyone else out there suffered with pso... - PBC Foundation
has anyone else out there suffered with psoriasis ? This is also auto immune apparently.

Hi, pretty healthy growing up, but my sister developed psoriasis as an adult, my brother has spondylosis (spinal arthritis) and my mum has arthritis in her knees
Hi Linda,
I have suffered with psoriasis since my late teens and have tried every possible treatment. And yes I was diagnosed with PBC in 2000. Its only now that I am linking everything to the auto immune problem. As a child I also had severe bouts of Tonsilitis until they were removed. Whenever I picked up a bug I got it worse than anyone else. Also I have to be careful in the garden as some plants cause an alergic reaction.
Exactly the same......allergic reaction to some plants, some plastics when my hands swell and throb and I get raised spots inside my elbows. Piriton eases it very quickly but it can be really embarrassing.
I really can see a link between an over prescription for antibiotics and our immune systems weakening as a result.
Best treatment for my psoriasis have been Dovobet, Dovonex and Diprosalic scalp application depending on where I get it.
I wish you well, take care
That's interesting, I haven't got psoriasis but I did have severe bouts of tonsilitis as a child and was on antibiotics a lot between age 13 and 21 when I had my tonsils out. My mum has some autoimmune disease, rheumatoid arthritis and under active thyroid. So I wondering whether it's a combination of being genetically pre disposed to developing autoimmune diseases and a lot of other factors. My diagnosis came about following pneumonia which they think May of triggered it. It's all very bizarre isn't it! Good luck with everything.
I had a lot of tonsillitis until I finally got them out at 21..I've pretty much had psoriasis since (past thirteen years).. I'd have to say when my liver enzymes were really high prior to and until meds started kicking in.. It's now clearing up significantly alongside my improved enzymes.. I had it all over torso and legs and elbows
You poor thing. My Psoriasis is only on scalp and elbows so I'm obviously very lucky. I'm not on any meds for PBC but have my blood test done in October and if liver profile raised I will be referred back to my specialist.
Incidentley, I always wrapped my arms in clingfilm after applying Dovodex (mainly to protect my sheets) and it really helped clearing my right arm completely.
Take care