I can't help wondering what others are on for PBC medication-wise with regards to the URSO. I have the URDOX brand and my GP gives me a prescription with just Ursodeoxycholic Acid and the mgs/tabs per day.
Have heard such a thing as generic drugs but not fully sure what that means and if so, are there any for URSO?
I've still got the itch which is cyclical in that it normally occurs in the evening. Some nights I do get a respite from the itch but know some of you out there the itch stopped on using URSO so I wondered if it could perhaps be down to different brand names.
I know the one I have, there is no mention whatsoever in the leaflet the tablets are for PBC, just gallstones so wondered what others (some of you have mentioned taking Ursofalk) had on their drug info leaflets.