Hello, I'm Laurie, I'm new here. Not officially diagnosed yet. No Symptoms, High ALP for the last year, up and down a little, but mostly high, I lost over 150 lbs. in the last 18 months or so, 59 years old. Loving my new lifestyle, then BAM...Broke my leg really bad, both bones, broke two ribs, then got COVID from my care giver. Its been hard, mentally and physically. =[ Now PBC maybe...
The high ALP is not from the broken bones, We checked that. Liver Dr, wants to do a biopsy. Why? In all of your experience, could it be anything else? or from COVID? Have any of you had COVID, then diagnosed? Ultra sound of my inside was good, all other blood work good. Reading all the info available, which I have been doing for a couple months now, points to BPC. I don't want to do a liver biopsy if I don't need to. Your thoughts, ideas, similarities or any info that might help me. Thankyou so much. I'm having a hard time with this =[ I read what you all write, so caring and friendly, it gave me the courage to finally post this.
ALP 250 to 260ish.
GGT 137
AMA Positive
AMA Titer 1/40 abnormal
Anti Smooth Muscle screen Positive
Anti Smooth Muscle 1/320