I have been diagnosed with bilary sludge in my gullbladder. I’ve had constant sharp pains/discomfort under my right lung which at times spread onto my chest. My surgeon told my that I just need to change my diet and take pain killers. Obviously I’m in pain and have been in a lot for 2 weeks. I’m in constant pain, I’ve had my hot water bottle on me constantly for 2 weeks, pain killers do nothing. Has anyone else had to live with bilary sludge? I’m concerned because I have no answers and just have to deal with it. I’m 22 had every possible test in a&e and everything came back healthy. But why am I in pain/so much discomfort? I have been eating more healthy and taking it seriously. But it’s scaring me that the pain hasn’t changed, I I want to see a gastroenterologist but you have to be referred. I’ve got a phone call with my gp on Thursday but the pain is bad and I don’t know what to do because I already spent 2 days in a&e this week to be told to just take painkillers.
How do you live with sludge? Surely there has to be a specialist I can talk to or someone’s that can help me/ prescribe me something to help.
Any help appreciated!