My ALT is 250 again and it seems to do this every couple of weeks. I can now pin point when this is going on. Nsusea, no appetite, extremely tired, general feeling of being unwell, digestive issues plus headache and joint and muscle pain.
ALT: My ALT is 250 again and it seems to do... - PBC Foundation

Is it alt or alp
Hi Vespa27 , not that PBC is diet related but have you found any foods irritate it. I have reduced the amount of bread, rice and pasta in my diet for the purpose of losing weight (which I have done slowly over the last 3 years) and have found that in general I feel much better and my blood test results have improved with the change in diet and loss of weight.
Have you an appointment with the specialist soon to ask about this?
Ho my next appointment is May 2nd, if he doesn't cancel yet again. Tbis is a gastro but I feel I neef a hepatologist who specialises in autoimmune liver.
Have you found a pattern with food, activity or something else??
Are you still having periods... Sometimes hormones can make pbc worse..
Might be worth keeping a diary... See if you can figure out the culprit... Best of luck cazer x
Hi I totally agree those symptoms are spot on . I have had a liver transplant due to pbc lately I had to return to hospital as my ALT was up to 530 . This showed rejection to my new liver but they are getting me back on track again. I feel for you so much sometimes they just don’t understand the symptoms. Do your wrist hurt ? You almost feel flu like . Take care hope you have a lovely Easter love Maria x