I was recently diagnosed with gastroparesis and was wondering if this is some how connected with PBC or not. Does anyone else suffer from this? I hope everyone is havin a good day.
Gastroparesis : I was recently diagnosed with... - PBC Foundation
I am currently having bowel problems and am just at the beginning of trying to find out what is causing it. A sigmoidoscopy proved clear but the hepatologist is sending me for a colonoscopy. Whether it is connected to PBC or not I do not know but I hope you are getting the treatment you need.
I was dx’d with gastroparese aboit2 years ago. Lost 40 pounds because I could not eat much, nausea, vomiting, feeling full after just a couple of bites. Local GI could only say to eat small amounts more often. One doc did give me a script for domperidone which helped with the nausea, but not legal in the US. Not recommended for long term use. I just went thru an endoscopic surgery that will help my stomach push food out faster. It is a fairly new procedure and not done yet many places. This was done at the Cleveland Clinics center for digestive disease. Since it’s only been a few days, I am anxious to see if it helps, so I will post updates on this site. I’m hopeful that it will help me be able to eat more than soft foods and also help with the nausea and constipation. So far it was an easy procedure to do.
I have it since 2011 n cause is unknown at that time. On watch now for pbc. Painful slow digestion with upper left squeezing intestinal pressure n bloating with more solid or gassy meals. It causes weight loss, anemia and loss of energy n fatigue for me. For nausea, i found what works best for me couple sips coca cola!