Hi I am not new to p c foundation it nor been on here for a very long time due to work comittment. I have the new Facebook log in name of Vespa27 but my original pbc foundation name is conniefused and my name is alley. I am contacting you today too say hello it also be ause I seem to have a flare up going on. I have overlap aih and pbc. Workingin London this week I have jaundice , pain fuzzy head and feel ratber unwell. I ended up in whipps cross hospital however, tbey couldn't detain .e because I don't reside in the area. This hospital were really good with my care. They sent me home on the provision that I go in to Pinderfields today, they treated me the best they could under the circumstances. I have been sent home on 40 mg prednisolone , and blood results of bilirubin 184, ALT 475, Alp 106, albumin 41...yes I know. I am now awaiting a call from my gp to decide what is next but my question is, should I go straight to Pinderfields. I feel unwell but also, I told the doctor that I had jaundice the day before my trip to London and they couldn't give me an appointment, all they could do was give me an appointment to have my bloods done on Monday 19th November, and yes they do know about my underlying liver disease. Thanks everyone xx
Hello again : Hi I am not new to p c... - PBC Foundation
Hello again
Hi Vespa27 I have only just seen your message and as it is now the weekend I am guessing you will not be able to access your surgery but as Whipps Cross Hospital advised you to go to Pinderfields I think I would take that advice. You may be lucky and find that there is a specialist on duty. If you are not able to take action today then yes have the bloods taken but maybe you could also telephone the secretary of the specialist you are seeing and get some advice from him directly, maybe he could give you a telephone consultation or if there is a cancellation he could see you sooner rather than later.
Hope this has been of some help or support.
best wishes, let us know how you get on.
Hello Alley i agree with Butterfly and think you should be seen at your local hospital immediately. Go to A and E and see what they say about your bilirubin levels and let us know how you get on. Best wishes Diane