PBC and Life Expectancy: I read with interest... - PBC Foundation

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PBC and Life Expectancy

PBCRobert profile image
150 Replies

I read with interest the previous thread with a similar title and so I decided to start a separate thread. I have much to say on this topic that might be helpful to patients, new and old, and for it to be lost in the body of another thread might limit its reach.

Where to begin...

I have lived knowingly with PBC in my life for 24 years. My mother was diagnosed with PBC then. I have lived unknowingly with PBC for many many years: more than just the 24 as she had symptoms long before she was ever diagnosed.

24 years on, she is still here alive and well, 62 years old and still kicking my erm, well... moving on...

***edit- ( to some of the data- mother has been diagnosed 29 years and is 67 now. And I have met close to 3000 patients now)***

In my time since then I have met well over 2 thousand patients in many countries around the world, including on three continents. I have read more studies than I can name and have witnessed more harm done by inaccurate information on the web than I can bear to see.

I have read that people with PBC can expect to live 5, 7, 7.5, 10, 15 and 16 years from diagnosis. I am sure all of these studies were well intended. I am sure many of them might have been accurate to the best of their ability (with a limited snapshot of what PBC is, etc) albeit very much within their limitations.

Reading these studies breaks my heart because they are founded upon really limited information. They create fear, confusion, and unnecessary upset. That said, if you really are going to google "PBC prognosis", what on Earth do you expect to find?

I've spoken with people believing this disinformation and were looking to put their affairs in order before they died (which they didn't!!). I've spoken with people cancelling holidays because they didn't expect to live long enough to go. Even now, we have people convinced they are going to die too early because of their PBC because of the stuff they find on the interweb.

I am looking forward to the day these people realise they will live longer than they thought. I just hope they realise soon enough not to waste a single moment more on unnecessary worry.

In our time at the Foundation, the oldest member (that we know about) passed on at 103, and not because of her PBC. My personal record is a patient who was 88 (and 3/4 she reminded me!!) and PBC wasn't one of her issues. I have met patients who have been diagnosed 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and even 38 years: all very much alive when I met them.

Before we deal with the facts, let's deal with the nonsense.

You have X years from diagnosis.

When were you diagnosed? Were you diagnosed when you were yellow with Jaundice? Were you diagnosed early by accidental pick-up of raised liver tests? If you were diagnosed many years ago, the chances were the former. If diagnosed more recently, the chances are the latter is closer to your experience. And there are thousands of patients somewhere in between.

In the olden days, when PBC stood for Primary Biliary Cirrhsosis, it was called that because patients were cirrhotic before they were diagnosed. They would probably have been jaundiced and would have had many years of PBC without them (or their doctors) knowing it. So, in those days, an untreated cirrhotic patient would have had a limited prognosis.

Also, many of these studies were published when PBC still wasn't treated effectively.

You were diagnosed at Y point in your PBC Journey.

So, how long did you have PBC before you were diagnosed? Weeks? Months? Years? Decades?? Maybe you've had symptoms for years that have only just led to diagnosis. Maybe you were diagnosed at the very start of your abnormal liver tests. We will never know. Sure, we can tell early PBC from progressed PBC but that still doesn't give us a start date: day zero.

If you don't know, what chance does your doctor have of knowing this? If your doctor doesn't know this, then what chance does a random researcher crunching some numbers on their laptop going to have?

The answer is none.


I have Stage X PBC so I know my prognosis.

No, you don't. You really don't. You may have stage X histology (cell change within the liver) but you do not have stage X PBC. There can be early disease and later stage disease but these are not the same.

Even with a Stage X histological finding, that number doesn't mean a huge amount in terms of prognosis. I have met patients who have been stage 4 for years (over 15 years) without progression.

I could go on and on, but shall stop here as this post is already long enough and we haven't even reached the facts yet...

Early diagnosis + Urso response = normal life expectancy

That is quite a bold statement. However, it would appear to be true. Of course, there are anomalies, exceptions and the like... However, what is coming through the data is that people who have an early diagnosis and who respond to Urso (UDCA) are living to normal life expectancy ages, equalling an age/sex matched population.

There isn't yet a scientific definition of "early diagnosis" but we know the difference between early and late PBC.

This leaves us the section of the population who do not respond to Urso. (this could be because they don't respond, because they don't tolerate, or because they haven't been given access to Urso in the first place). What happens to them?

Well, in many places around the world there is a second-line therapy available which has been deemed safe (when used appropriately) and effective in normalising or lowering liver tests. We won't know what that does over 20 years until we have been using it for 20 years, but the anticipation is that it will also prolong life expectancy.

Some places have been using fibrates, with different levels of success. Again, the long term effect will not be known until we get long-term data but knowing how successful Urso is, doctors believe that this will also have a positive impact.

Even if those therapies fail the patient, ultimately there is the possibility of liver transplant for many. Remember that these studies speak of progressing to death or transplantation.

Then we have a whole raft of new potential therapies going through the process of becoming a licensed therapy, many of which will be here in the next few years.

So, even for someone diagnosed today with PBC, we have no idea how long their prognosis is. We know it is improving. We know the majority of PBC patients respond to Urso and can have a normal life expectancy.

Looking at the old studies, there are other factors that come into play: nationality, for example. Access to medicines, transplant, insurance, etc all come into the picture.

My last point is possibly the most serious one I want to make in this post.

Where are you getting your information?

The PBC Foundation has worked hard, really really hard, to partner the best PBC minds around the globe. We reach patients in 78 countries and our information can be found in 18 languages. We have apps, magazines, an 70+ page compendium, webinars, workshops, abstracts, etc giving accurate, current and free information.

Join us. Read our information. We won't be publishing any such nonsense. We don't fill our community members full of fear (nor of false hope). Everything we publish is peer-reviewed by world-eminent multiple-time published renowned PBC experts. We do not have Dr Google on our Medical Advisory Board, and for good reason.

There is absolutely no reason why you wouldn't want to have free access to some of the best PBC information available. None. So join us: it costs you a few moments of your time. Get yourself the information you need: not just today, or tomorrow, or 5, 7, 7.5, 10, 15 or even 16 years away... but for the rest of your long lives.

We can't tell you where to go for your information. We can only support you when you get misinformation and help you unlearn what you have learned. We can't tell you who to ask or what to ask. We can only give you the best information available.

We are here to help, to serve and to improve the community affected by PBC. Use us: our knowledge, experience, expertise, access to the finest. That's all we ask.

Yours, as ever,


Written by
PBCRobert profile image
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150 Replies
Oidra profile image

Thank you Robert. That needed to be said loud and clear and I hope, because of your words, some of our PBC family will sleep easier tonight.

Ballymahon2 profile image

Well said robert thanks

Alison2306 profile image

Thank you for this post Robert. It makes me feel a million times better and I know myself to avoid google for prognosis and there’s no algorithm for how anyone’s disease will go.

Sicy an informative post and this is the go to place for PBC info and support 🙌🏻

PBCRobert profile image
PBCRobertPartner in reply toAlison2306

I wouldn’t say here is the go to place: pbcfoundation.org.uk is the place to go.

Alison2306 profile image
Alison2306 in reply toPBCRobert

Of course pbcfoundation first the bearfacts and the app have been great for me. Will get round to attending a meet up when there’s one near me soon

Jlruggie profile image
Jlruggie in reply toPBCRobert

I just tried to join PBC foundation and there’s no option for my county. I live in Pennsylvania, USA. Do you have to be a uk resident? Should I keep trying and fudge a county?

DonnaBoll profile image
DonnaBollAdministrator in reply toJlruggie

I just came across your post.... anyone, anywhere can join The PBC Foundation. Hope you have done so. They have so much to offer anyone! pbdfoundation,org,uk

ZEMR profile image

Thank you so much Robert. YOU ARE THE ABSOLUTE BEST. I will sleep better tonight indeed 😀😀

gwillistexas profile image

That is awesome & we all needed to see this. Your words will bring peace to many PBC hearts. Thank You🦋

Caseymayr1102 profile image

I believe in only searching sites I can see are credible. For my breast cancer, I received much info from breastcancer.org. For my lupus, it's the lupus foundation, etc. The amount of varied info is staggering & I will always confirm findings with physicians.

We are especially vulnerable when our heads are spinning from a recent diagnosis.

I don't go about any treatment (natural or otherwise) very lightly. I have to see proven facts. That being said, I've learned in dealing with 3 life changing illnesses, you've got to have good Drs in your court. Drs who are willing to think outside the box & be open to all treatment possibilities (natural or conventional)



Jlruggie profile image
Jlruggie in reply toCaseymayr1102

finding a pbc specilalist who answers questions is impossible. Mine won’t check my pancreas and spleen lesions, wont answer questions and isn’t friendly so I’m switching specialists. My AST, ALP and bad cholesterol are above normal range, he’s unconcerned.

June9961 profile image

At last. Some common sense. I have heard so much doom and gloom stories on the subject and it is depressing. Thank you for your comprehensive post Robert. Hopefully it will go some way to allaying the fears of many. 😊

Haylsnewc profile image

Well said Robert thank you.

DoreenD profile image

Well written Robert, I am one of the PBCers who thought the worst when first diagnosed as doctors said I would need a transplant within 10 years if I lasted that long (no Urso at that time) But here I am 30 years later and still doing ok and still no transplant. Regards Doreen

Jlruggie profile image
Jlruggie in reply toDoreenD

Same here Doreen. I’m 64 going on medicare in a month, diagnosed over 20 years ago. I’m really tired in the pm and I have osteopenia. I went through a bout of itching but it went away. My knee hurts severely to the point of not being able to walk far. 2 surgeons say it needs replacement due to arthritis but I’m looking to just have acl and meniscus repaired. I want to be able to ride horses still. I try to eat right but haven’t been able to find the right diet. All symptoms people without pbc have. Maybe that why they say we’ll die if something else not PBC. I’ll keep trying to join this PBC foundation.

Thank you Robert for taking the time to explain to all PBC patients on this forum. I’ve been a member of the foundation since 2010 my consultant told me about the foundation when I was first diagnosed and gave me contact details to reach out to the foundation. The help and info received was second to none. Thanks again. Best wishes Denise 🙂

kingsnorth profile image

Thanks for that insight Robert its put my mind at rest. I was diagnosed in February by way of biopsy. My lfts had been rising for 2 years and not picked up l have sjogrens and lupus so have blood tests regularly. I was put on URSO and fortinately my bloods are almost in normal range. I was so scared with diagnosis of pbc l have made myself ill as l have other autoimmune illnesses my nervous system hasnt coped. I wish l hsd read this when first diagnosed. I havent been staged and dont want to be l have mild scaring and mild fibrosis im 68 this year.

Thank you Robert for taking the time to write your post, clearly written and easy to understand.

If it had not for the PBC Foundation 8 years ago I dread to think where I’d be now, and I I found you easily at the time because my consultant gave me your web information and told me to read it to learn about PBC. I wonder how many do, it could be a good thing if all those with patients did so..and told GP’s to read it too. (I remember I was annoyed with him at the time for giving me an internet site and at what appeard to be his lack of bedside manner , instead of telling me about my condition himself).

However as you can guess it was probably the best thing he ever did for me, once I was ready to accept what I was reading.

More doctors need to do this, or at least warn their patients about Dr Google now we are firmly in the age of technology.

Corrsy profile image

As a newly diagnosed patient, too ‘scared’ to chat on the forum yet, this informative post has eased my anxiety and brightened my weekend. Thank you Robert -Cx

June9961 profile image
June9961 in reply toCorrsy

Hi Corrsy, never be afraid to chat on the forum. It is the best way to answer any of those niggling questions you may have. Even if you feel a little down you will find posting about it will get you lots of support and you will realise there is no point worrying alone. So welcome to the group. And remember there are no stupid questions or suggestions. X

P13jne profile image
P13jne in reply toCorrsy

Corrsy, I’m newly diagnosed too. I understand how you feel. Look forward to chatting with you soon. Jane x

Keep-smiling profile image

Thank you, Robert! As always you say it like it is. From the start of my PBC journey I was given PBC Foundation leaflets and website addresses by my GP and the Hepatolgy clinic as a source of reliable and accurate information. Through the foundation I have met other people who have had this disease a long time, heard their stories and advise, been to a forum and met you, and have read many posts on this site where support and experiences are shared, but most importantly learnt the facts about PBC so why go anywhere else?

Dieselwales profile image

A Marvellous piece Robert 😊 thank you 🙏 x

Mirimaur profile image

I feel so happy and positive after reading your wise informative words . Thank you . Perhaps you could publish it in the news letter .

Rosie2410 profile image

Thank you Robert, this has informed me and reassured me. I am a member of PBC foundation and find the information there extremely helpful 😀

Thank you Robert for your compassionate and excellent post. You and all the people and volunteers of the PBC foundation never cease to inspire and comfort. Thank you for all your hard work and commitment.

GrittyReads profile image

Wonderful, wonderful ass-kicking post, Robert! Well done.

Please re-post, every so often, especially when it is obvious that someone on here has either read something ancient via Google, or (even worse) been told a load of rubbish by a friend or (even worse, worse) by a Medic who isn't up-to-date. [As I've said several times on here, there are 4 GPs in my local practice and only one of has treated and really knows about PBC].

Thanks again! Gritty

gwillistexas profile image
gwillistexas in reply toGrittyReads

Sorry to bother you with this, but I have had the PBC app on my phone for some time. When I click on “news”, there is none. I thought this was how we get to Bear Facts. Or do we have to go to the ink each time?

gwillistexas profile image
gwillistexas in reply togwillistexas


PBCRobert profile image
PBCRobertPartner in reply togwillistexas

Good Q. This isn’t how you get BF. That should come by email. I’ll check what happens in the news section.

gwillistexas profile image
gwillistexas in reply toPBCRobert

Thanks! Nothing on the compendium either. 🦋

George1234 profile image
George1234 in reply toGrittyReads

I was told on my 60 birthday all that was said was you have this condition you take these tablets you will be ok. Google it I was sent to a gastro he said the same thing plus he did not seem to know anything about it .although he gave me urso. If you read some articles on the net you would get a gun and shoot yourself So best not look I am at a small surgery and I told one of the doctors this

Danig profile image

Thank you for this information. I went back a few days to read other posts and noted that one, interestingly enough, was written the day I went in for my annual checkup. My specialist - who has been treating PBC for many years - said, “We used to have a chart that showed patient progression, and we would show them. But now with medicationS and treatmentS (yes, I am emphasizing the plural), we don’t anymore. Because. They. Just. Don’t. Progress.”

I’m fortunate to live close to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester where I went shortly after diagnosis for a second opinion. And my doctor (Nicholas LaRusso) said, “I’m going to look you in the eye and tell you that yes, you will die. But NOT from PBC.” He went on to say that there are many treatments available - one of which is a liver transplant, which is one of many, many options available now - and it is a life saving procedure. He happened to be in the room when Mayo did its first transplantation surgery - on a nun with PBC - and she went on to live many more years.

So Robert, please keep talking more. We all need to hear the sanity through the clutter.

Sdsurface profile image

Thank you so much for the article. I was diagnosed in 2015 but had it a few years before. No symptoms except the numbers. This forum has been an absolute blessing. Even though I do have to think about PBC when I take the meds, at least having good information gives me more hope.

liver-bird profile image

Thank you Robert for your clear reassuring words

LorraineLouise profile image

Thank you so very much for your post and reassurance. Not only does it help me but also my family who worry so about me. I will definitely share and I’m very grateful for your words!!!

Shine1 profile image

Hi Robert.

Thank you. When I was diagnosed (after years of symptoms) I didn't know about The PBC Foundation and I'm sure like many others looked online for information. There really is scary worrying statistics out there stated as pure facts.

Finding the Foundation definitely helped give me reassurance and a sense of community, knowing there are other people not too far away that have it made it feel a little better.

Thank you- take care

Wocket profile image

When I was first diagnosed I was very frightened but I found the PBC foundation and that is all I need. I belong to Facebook support groups but I found that what was being said made me very depressed so I don’t bother now.

gwillistexas profile image
gwillistexas in reply toWocket

I totally understand. I belong to 2 other support groups as well. I have come to the conclusion that this is the best place to be. The main issue I have is people determining that someone needs hepatologist vs GI. My thoughts are if your dr is taking good care of you why change drs based on other people’s opinions. A lot of controversy I’ve seen is Hepatologist vs GI. There’s good & bad with both. There are most likely Hepatologists as well as GIs who aren’t worth the paper their degree is written on. I’ve had to try & scroll past those type comments due to the fact I see a knowledge GI. Having said that to say this, Robert does a great job at helping us with our concerns without influencing us one way or the other. And I know you appreciate him as well. 🦋

Wocket profile image
Wocket in reply togwillistexas

I couldn’t agree more with you. I hate how people keep going on about how ill they are. They might be but it only frightens newly diagnosed. I finally had enough when pictures of blood covered legs was shown on 2 separate groups because someone was itching. I was very concerned that my itching was going to get so bad that I couldn’t cope. As it is I itch and get very tired but I’m doing fine and life goes on.

gwillistexas profile image
gwillistexas in reply toWocket

I wish you good things🤗☀️

Wocket profile image
Wocket in reply togwillistexas

And to you 😀

gwillistexas profile image
gwillistexas in reply toWocket


Skypony profile image

Robert, thank goodness for you, your mum and the PBC foundation. Your mum answered the phone when I rang the helpline feeling scared after my diagnosis some years ago, and I discovered she was the same age as me, had been diagnosed many years earlier and was doing well. What a difference that made! I've never looked back since. XX

SueLondon profile image

Hi Robert, thank you so much for this. I've read so many articles on here from so many lovely members which have all been helpful and informative but this really and truly helped. It's brought a tear to my eyes and a lump to my throat (not wishing to sound too dramatic) but it's finally cleared up many questions I had yet still to ask. I will continue to live my life to the full and cross any bridges when I come to them and not be constantly fearful of what the future holds. This is the best thing I've read since my diagnosis last year thank you again. Susie x

PBC_FOUNDATION profile image
PBC_FOUNDATIONPartnerAdministratorPBC Foundation

Hello everyone,

I'm Natasha, and I work for The PBC Foundation as Grants Officer. My job is to apply for funding from various sources so that Robert and the team can continue to do the amazing work that they do to help people affected by PBC.

One thing that funders are keen on seeing is feedback and quotes from the people we help. There's some powerful testimonies being made on this thread that I feel could really help. With this in mind, are you okay with me using your quotes within applications for funding? Any quotations used will remain anonymous.

I look forward to your responses.


Anne29 profile image
Anne29 in reply toPBC_FOUNDATION

Do. (anonymously) if mines any use-thanks Natasha for the work. i do hope to meet ye all some time!

My-life profile image

Thank you Robert. I have one question. My Dr. Said my numbers where up. When I have pain on the right side. I called him to see if he could see me. He never called. Is this normal?

PBCRobert profile image
PBCRobertPartner in reply toMy-life

Is pain normal? Is a dr not returning a call normal?

Message me directly and let’s see if we can chat because this needs more than a simple answer...


My-life profile image

Robert i tried to send you. My phone is not the best. But I also know they told me I have no sodium which is kidneys. But still no specialist for that either. Bless you.

Sherpric profile image

Thank you!

LorraineLouise profile image


Amazing!!! Thank you so very much for this very positive information. I can’t tell you how comforting your words are. I so appreciate your posts.

Catherine3883 profile image

Thank you. That is really helpful and reassuring

Janetrosemary profile image

Thank you Robert for this article. When I was first diagnosed,it was indeed a worrying time.i take Ursodeoxycholic and alsoQuestron light which helps with the itching.itching was my biggest problem. I decided that mind over matter could be the answer I started doing jigsaw puzzles.


FranSP profile image

Thanks so much Robert!!!!!

Arlie profile image

I was diagnosed in 1990 because of my itching on Urdu since day one and holding my own

gwillistexas profile image
gwillistexas in reply toArlie

Seems you’ve done very well. Always good to hear when someone has journeyed many years & still okay🤗

My-life profile image

Thank you Robert. Well said.

Emma1977 profile image

Thank you, I feel happier already

Blessed123 profile image

Thank you Robert ....as a newly diagnosed 60 year old woman i googled PBC and became very depressed, thinking i didn't have mush longer to live !! We were even going to cancel vacation etc !! When i went back to my Dr for follow up my doctor did tell me that i had nothing to worry about....mine was caught in the very early stage ( 1) ....he had already out me on the ursodiol and it seems to be working !! MY question is though, i had read that if a person already has the "itching " and pain in right side , and fatigue that the prognosis was not as good, and considered to be in stage 2-3 .....i have all 3 of them....i itch like crazy on my back and my side hurts just about every day, and i get " spells " where i'm so tired i can barely keep my eyes open even after a full nights sleep !!! On my blood work the ANA was negative, my liver functions were normal...only my AMA was double what it is supposed to be. What are your thoughts on this ??

gwillistexas profile image
gwillistexas in reply toBlessed123

G’morning. In reference to what you read about stage 2-3 fibrosis with itching, fatigue, etc., this disease affects each of us differently. I am supposedly early 3 fibrosis and I have never experienced any of these symptoms. I have the URQ ache sometimes but other than that I’m full throttle every day😁. My best to you🦋

Blessed123 profile image
Blessed123 in reply togwillistexas

I did neglect to say my alk phosphates has been elevated off and on ( mostly on ) since 2012......could that mean i could of had this disease since 2012 ?

gwillistexas profile image
gwillistexas in reply toBlessed123

Blessed123...I honestly wouldn’t know what to say on that. I looked back to labs from 2014 forward. I found in 2015 my ALP was slightly elevated. Dr said nothing & I didn’t know to question it. 2016 perfectly normal. 2017 it hit. So I wonder myself. Not sure we can really know when pbc started. We don’t know how long we may have had it before our levels showed elevation. Mystery🤗

Anne29 profile image

Hi Robert, I read your reply a few days ago ..its stuck with me, I have mentioned it to others with different life long conditions they are coping with. A lot of simple practicality in your words. It has helped enormously in my thinking about having this condition. Second year in for me, and gradually I have stopped feeling panicked. It really does come to pass that the fear subsides so I would say give it time-as you say- on the whole, we do have time. I stopped constantly googling...and started just getting on with other stuff-giving that my energy. Taking the meds, living healthily, accepting when I needed to stop doing just that. So far so good or not so good -but keeping going! That's all I need right now -and inspirational people like yourself here on Health Unlocked which has been my core help many times. I do battle depression, like many but focussing on the good stuff, and goodness in others, and also ways I can reciprocate -pure gold! I am also AMA negative so there's a little suspicion it might be PSC. Nothing confirmed. Something many of us experience too is waiting for an answer to the mystery of it all. I also suspect the industrial environment in East London I grew up in, may have aided development of my condition, so I am curious if anyone else in E.16 has PBC?

All the best,


DeeSree profile image

Thank you so much PBCRobert, Reading your information was a real relief for many on this thread including me. More people die with this disease than from it, was a relief for me to hear. I know that I have had this disease for many many years before diagnosis. Probably in my 20's when I began struggling with horrible attacks in the middle of my chest going straight through into my back and debilitated me for several minutes before releasing. Not had one since diagnosis and going on Urso and this last visit my Gastro/liver doctor said, you are doing great we can move to once a year appointments instead of every 6 months. I am now 67 live a full life, no longer afraid and I am loving it.

One thing I do want to say about getting your final plans together, it is never too early to do that and not because of PBC. Everyone should do this no matter what. Nothing is harder on the family than not knowing someones wishes in the end and having it written. (legal document) Thanks for listening.

PBCRobert profile image
PBCRobertPartner in reply toDeeSree

Thanks DeeSree.

You make a good point. All of us, with or without PBC, need to be organised to protect those around us.

As horrible as it sounds, if anyone chose to remember us in their will we would always be grateful. We know not everyone is in such a position but we appreciate being considered for such support.


judithtoohey profile image

Robert my wife's journey with PBC 36 years ago she turned yellow with Jaundice and was extremely sick, she was diagnosed with Non A Non B then later this was changed to Hep C so we were careful with our hygiene, Then a new doctor advised us it was PBC and put her on new medication Ursofalk 500 mg morning and 500 mg night she weighs 50kg that was 16 years ago. The same doctor is still locking after her.

She now has chronic liver disease Hepatic encephalopathy, Water retention ascites, Jerking movement some times requires me to feed her, esophageal varices bleeding "four operations to stop the bleeding" causing a drop in hemoglobin down to 76 last week in hospital one unit of iron and four units of blood, and then we have the other problem serum ammonia in the blood generated in the bowel causing her to be almost in coma just sleeping all day no food or medication then the next day she may be well enough to eat.

To clear the toxins I give her 20ml Lactulose laxative once a day and a special antibiotic rifaximin.

She also has low sodium levels.

So full care at home with help, her best friend had PBC at the same time she died a few years ago from kidney failure.

Judith Toohey Sydney Australia

Aussie05 profile image

Thank you Robert.

Arlie profile image

I have PBC over 20 yrs , i’m 71 , i’m just going to get my first Endoscopy band ligation , but it’ll be done in the hosp on Mon Oct 1 , my Dr saw 2 with some red dots on it so its at a dangerous stage , i cant wait to get this done , i’m nervous till its done

gwillistexas profile image
gwillistexas in reply toArlie

Arlie...sending prayers & hugs 🙏🏻☺️

Pheebe profile image
Pheebe in reply toArlie

How are you now ?

Arlie profile image
Arlie in reply toPheebe

Sorry for the late response - things have been so hard I barely get through the day just heartbroken over her not here with me. My BFF is missed beyond measure. Thank you so much for thinking of me. xoxox

Arlie profile image

Robert do you know anyone taking Milk Thistlle or familiar with this

PBCRobert profile image
PBCRobertPartner in reply toArlie


I haven’t seen any scientific data that it helps though I have heard anecdotal evidence.

Arlie profile image
Arlie in reply toPBCRobert

I was wondering , i had a endoscopy ligatation banding , than God just 1 , after 20 something yrs

gwillistexas profile image
gwillistexas in reply toArlie

Arlie...you doing okay?

Maz2018 profile image

Thank you for sharing this. Newly diagnosed 2 days ago. Thought my life was over. Might actually sleep tonight 😀

PBCRobert profile image
PBCRobertPartner in reply toMaz2018

I hope you slept well.

If you have joined the PBC Foundation you will gain even more knowledge and insights.



Maz2018 profile image
Maz2018 in reply toPBCRobert

Yes,thank you ,I did sleep well. I have so many symptoms happening at once, I'm not sure what's going on 🙈

HealthyChik profile image

Thanks for this post! Wish I had seen it a month earlier..lol. Being newly diagnosed, of course I googled "Prognosis of patients with PBC", and was a bit surprised at the shortened lifespan that was predicted. After countless hours of reading and talking with my doctor's, I too have come to the realization that I can definitely lead a long healthy life. I'm sure your post will help many newbies. Such good positive information! Thank you again🙂

PBCRobert profile image
PBCRobertPartner in reply toHealthyChik

Again, this is where joining the Foundation (for free) can really help you and others AND miss out the middle man of google (mis)information!!

SHE306PE profile image

Thank you this is the most sensible information I have read.

KevinHall10_ profile image

Thank you ....

uggg profile image

Thank you for the info. Robert, just found out i have PBC in april, and scared to death with people telling me i'm going to die soon. Was on ursodiol for a few months but had side effects, doc took me off it for a month, now he wants me to deside if i want to try ocaliva. i dont know. scared and want this PBC to just go away. i need info and help to ease my mind.

PBCRobert profile image
PBCRobertPartner in reply touggg


Please join the PBC Foundation.


From there you will find lots of reassuring information. You can contact us or me directly (we can use skype, whatsapp and facetime for non-UK patients) to answer your questions.

uggg profile image
uggg in reply toPBCRobert

ok thanks, will do

jnblack profile image

Thank you Robert! It is needed and clear Information.

Though, of course we have individual differences,we need to rely on prognosis and action that comes from scientific studies and observation.

As I understand it, since Urso Has been used Prognosis For those who react well Has drastically changed. I’m grateful to be one of them.

I was first diagnosed in 99 and probably had it for a while.I Reacted emotionally as expected given the prognosis at that time. However,responded well to Urso. . My fatigue eased .i did Develop irritable bowel,Probably from the Urso but it responded well to probiotics.

Nobody would guess that I have this disease by looking at the way I function. I’m 77, as of next week.I’m still working part time and have been leading an active life.I am much more bothered by tendon tears and osteoarthritis than my liver.I realize that I am lucky.

I was very relieved to learn recently from my doctor and what you tell us About a normal life expectancy In such cases. It Sure lifted a weight off my shoulder.

When I was first diagnosed I was devastated. I turned to the PBC Foundation and joined the Canadian PBC foundation.It has been invaluable to have not just the information but reliable scientifically backed information. Thank you and thank the foundation!

This illness was not caused by anything we did .We may or may not be able to slow its progression. However I truly believe that we should Do What is within our control and do our share. we do have some control over how we live our life with the disease and our attitude.

Best to all of you and thank you again Robert and the foundations!


Thank you Robert for getting to grips with the big issues - putting the scientifically evidenced info out there in plain and detailed way, warning about avoiding b-s "info".

Even if we have good doctors, the symptoms and how they affect us are so varied for each of us that the best they can do for us is refer us to PBC Foundation.

What you offer is the vital bit of 'medicine' without which we can spiral downward in fear and despair

Haven't studies have been done now that show more positive outcomes of treatment are obtained where encouragement and hope has been given to patients?

If these studies need more evidence, your Foundation has gathered a lot of evidence to support the theory.

So thank you Robert, and thanks to Collette for keeping your butt kicked.

p.s. I recently saw the "3 Pillars.." - a brilliant ,really helpful tool. I have to replace my 10yr old Nokia E5 to access it. I am pleased to have such a good reason to do so

as I struggle to replace anything unless it's absolutely no use at all. Cheers!

Vespa27 profile image

Hi Robert and thank you so much forctbis information. I have the overlap with AIH...and still feel theres not enough information available for the overlap. I am unwell at the moment, had a massive AIH flare. Been in hospital but home me now. On 40 mg prednisolone plus 6 mercaptopurin and urso. Was diagnosed 6 years ago but this was much worse. It affected my liver, spleen, pancreas and brain. I am still brain fogged. I also feel light headed sometimes, which i feel is a little bit blood pressure but not 100 per cent sure. I feel unwell but also I have a boss who is making me work tomorrow on a sick note. I am going to check with citizen advice regarding this matter. Trouble is I have to travel to London work a shift then come home and hes expecting me to do four of these this. week . I really could do with some information literature for him so he can get his head around what is going on with me health wise. Is there anything available for employers please,, and how do I report my boss for this behaviour. Thank you again Alley Jobes.

PBCRobert profile image
PBCRobertPartner in reply toVespa27

Hi Vespa.

I have only just seen this reply. I have no idea why and I can only apologise.

We do have some information, though we are only now building our information on PBC/AIH overlap now.

It has been a challenge as clinicians and researchers have not really been in agreement. We now seem to be a little closer to some consensus, which will help us and you moving forward.

Please feel free to contact me personally to see where and how we can help.

How did the work situation go?



Vespa27 profile image
Vespa27 in reply toPBCRobert

Hi Robert thank you for your reply. If I or anyone else with this overlap can help with putting information together I am sure we would be willing to help. I find that with any rare condition our gp and in some cases specialists, dont really understand.

More research needs to be done with regard to this but also regarding the link between these and other autoimmune conditions. I also have hashimotos and after my hospital appointment on Thursday, they want to check my adrenals because of my fatigue, thirst and muscle difficulties. Is there a link between aih pbc and adrenal issues, is the big question I am researching.

My boss has been sorted I have lowered my hours for when I return but I am still on a sick note.

Thnks again Alley.

Farmhouse profile image

Thanks for the message. I hope that many read it and lower their levels of panic. PBC in men is much rarer, but I think that the effects are quite similar. As one of the male species, my diagnosis in 2006 was a shock, but now at age 67, and with the majority of my labs now being within acceptable ranges, I feel that my life expectancy is another 30 or 40 years. I've also had a severe problem with varices, but they have all been banded and I don't expect any more bouts of bleeding. Life is good what we make of it. I personally want to continue enjoying my family ----- for a very long time.

Lowestoft1956 profile image

Thank you for the information and making everything clearer. Some of the information on the web is extremely alarming.

Pamela4475 profile image

You are so right my dear.... first thing I did was google life expectancy and could find 15 years..... but that does not account for taking care of yourself and response to urso or ocaliva.....my doctor says that during these periods it is non progressive and he is a liver spec and his brother is the liver transplant doc so they share a practice. When my diet is out of line it shows on my enzymes so I have to behave regardless.... occasionally cheat not frequently my doc says 😊 we need to be positive in mind and spirit... it helps the body and stress does opposite.... love and prayers to our wonderful group of pbcers

Realtor1 profile image

Who are you? I love you, I need you. Newly diagnosed!!! I’m taking the urso hoping I can cope with it, whatever that means. Had elevated enzymes all my life was waiting to implode, just got diagnosed. Sonogram was fine 2 years ago but life changed. Somehow.

PBCRobert profile image
PBCRobertPartner in reply toRealtor1

Hi Realtor1

Have you joined pbcfoundation.org.uk yet?



Jaybo1 profile image

Hello Robert, I was diagnosed with PBC last Friday after elevated liver enzymes showed up in a routine blood test. I was referred to a specialist who sent me for further blood tests, an ultrascan and a Fibroscan. When the GP mentioned PBC, I too went to Dr Google and was shocked at the prognosis. I was very worried, stressed, I could not sleep and became upset (privately, so as I did not worry my family). The specialist who sent me for the tests was reassuring that all would be ok if this was PBC and that it would be managed. Whilst on Dr Google, I eventually came across the PBC Foundation where I read very encouraging posts. After my first visit to the specialist and even though I was sent for further tests, I felt I had PBC. Once I accepted this fact, I was not as upset (although of course I would prefer not to have PBC), and slept better. I returned to the specialist who confirmed I had PBC and was put on Ursofalk. I am hoping I will respond to this medication. The Fibroscan showed no damage to my liver and the blood tests showed no other autoimmune disease. My doctor mentioned the levels had dropped slightly, but apparently this is normal? I do not have any symptoms. Can you tell me, if I respond to Ursofalk will this always be the case (no symptoms). I did ask the specialist and he said I should not have symptoms. I know everyone is different and I am hoping that due to the fact the disease has been found 'by chance' that this will be the case.

I to want to thank you for your post re life expectancy. It has clamed me down quite a lot as before I found the PBC Foundation there were quite a few tears :). Thank you for the amazing work you and your colleagues are doing. I have signed up as a member of the PBC Foundation today and I am looking forward to the literature I will receive to keep me informed and to give me hope. I hope to be able to move on once the initial shock of diagnosis settles. I have joined a Facebook page in my country, but find many people are posting symptoms and how they are having a difficult time and this is unsettling me at the moment, so I will stick to the PBC Foundation page, as people seem to be much more positive, probably due to you and the information posted. Thank you again for taking the time to read this message.

PBCRobert profile image
PBCRobertPartner in reply toJaybo1

Thank you for your reply.

It is a long post with many questions. To give you the full answers you deserve, I shall come back to you by private message later today. (That isn't a bad thing: it is just going to be as full an answer as I can provide for you.)



Realtor1 profile image

I wish you would answer publicly as he describes me also.

Haffull profile image

Thank you, Robert!

Sydgal profile image

Thank you Robert

Lowestoft1956 profile image

Thank you Robert. You have put my mind at rest.

NormaH951 profile image

Thank you SO much! This is what we all need to hear. From this day forward I will no longer google PBC. 🙂

Jen11804 profile image

My Gasteoenterologist told me basically the same. He said when I die it will more than likely be of something else rather than pbc. He is well informed and I think that’s why I live my life not really thinking about what I have rather just enjoy the positives.

Thanks Robert. I’m sure everyone appreciates your information 💗

VeeWat profile image

Can the test AMA ever go from positive to negative?

PBCRobert profile image
PBCRobertPartner in reply toVeeWat

Yes. We do not know why but some, particularly those who respond to Urso, can have a drop in AMA. Unfortunately that does *not* mean you are cured.

P13jne profile image

Thank you Robert, very well said. Jane x

jaws58 profile image

Better more at ease with understanding PBC

Leighton56 profile image

Hi Robert thanks for the information this has cleared up several concerns I have with PCB and longevity. I'm 61 now and with information given and read I thought I wouldn't be here to see things happen within my life time but now I feel a big weight has been lifted and there is a huge possibility that I will still be hanging around to see them come into fruition.


channelview profile image

Just to mention, I'm 58, at 38 I was told by a doc at Kings College Hospital in London that "you have about 5 years to transplant". At the time I accepted this - why wouldn't you, as that liver dept was supposed to be "world class", and also, was ill and scared. Only later did I realise that the doc I saw was a junior doctor who probably knew very little about PBC. By that time though I had taken the decision not to try for a child, ruined life for my boyfriend as well, who also thought I basically had 5 years, and had also mentally and emotionally cut myself off from a lot of my life as I believed I had very short life expectancy.

I had only ever had an ultrasound, which at the time showed no liver damage, and blood tests showing high AMA. I wonder whether this still goes on, with docs improvising when they should of course say nothing unless they are adequately qualified to comment. Still haven't needed a transplant, 20 years on.

Mind you, the same hospital told me that I definitely had cancer in 2013. No I didn't, no cancer at all. They hadn't even done any imaging before I was told that. Thankfully I only spent 3 days believing I had cancer before I saw the radiographer who promptly removed a totally harmless cyst.

Was also told that I absolutely must have my thyroid gland destroyed by irradiation as if I didn't hyperthyroid would come back straight away. Over a year later, thyroid results are completely normal, so keeping my fingers crossed on that one. Also keeping my thyroid gland as long as I can. I think the message is, take doctors with a pinch of salt. There are some marvellous human beings practising medicine, but there are also a lot of individuals who are attracted by the status it affords them and with that personality, goes the tendency to need to sound like an expert with absolutely knowledge they don't in fact have that knowledge, and often to bully others. It's also the case of course that not everyone is the same. People can have different outcomes from fairly similar medical situations. I suppose the answer is, like our grandparents knew: always get a second opinion!


PS - if you have hyperthyroid and they are trying to bully you into having your thyroid destroyed, I recommend finding a way to spend longer on the meds - they tell everyone that if the meds haven't worked after 1 year they never will, however I spent 16 months on meds and then my levels went back to totally normal and have stayed normal.

gwillistexas profile image
gwillistexas in reply tochannelview

channelview...hello. Great to hear you are doing so well after all that. We certainly have to be on our toes with drs. I saw my first hepatologist in January. I was prescriped 50,000 IU Vit d weekly & 5,000 Vit a daily with no labs. So, I decided to have both of those tested. Both were normal. You know what...I did not and am not taking either one. I am seeing a new hepatologist in July and this will definitely be discussed. I’ve researched enough to know what Vit d overload, as well as other vitamins, can do to us. We must keep our knowledge polished at all times. 😊

ninjagirlwebb profile image
ninjagirlwebb in reply togwillistexas

You are a great advocate for yourself. I tested low on Vitamin D which was why I was on the 50,000 iu and then 2,000 iu for maintenance. Hope you have a great appointment with the new hepatologist.

gwillistexas profile image
gwillistexas in reply toninjagirlwebb

Thank you. I just feel when a dr prescribes something he “thinks” I need, he needs to have data to back up his reason. Yes, I cannot wait to see Dr Mubarak. He’s actually here in 2 weeks but I chose to see him when my insurance is in effect which is July 1st. I’ll see him the 12th. 😊

ninjagirlwebb profile image
ninjagirlwebb in reply tochannelview

Wow is all the can I say on your experiences. I am sorry you had to go through all of that. Glad you are advocating for yourself.

Last year my thyroid when hyper on me. My endocrinologist discussed treatment options with me and told me the treatment type will depend on the outcome of a radioactive iodine uptake thyroid scan. That was used to figure out whether my multi granular nodules were causing the issue or the thyroid itself.

The results indicate that the nodules were "cold" which meant they were not secreting extra TSH. So she put me on antithyroid meds. She told me most likely will be on it for 2 years and then when TSH normalizes, she will take me off them. I responded well and only took it for a few months and it went back to normal. She is monitoring me every 6 months and said if all remain the same, I can go back to seeing her once a year. I really appreciate her a lot.

channelview profile image
channelview in reply toninjagirlwebb

Glad your thyroid is ok now. V interested also to hear you were told the norm is to have 2 years on the meds for hyperthyroid (being an illness that goes with PBC quite often). I was told one year only and the consultant was very insistent that after 1 year they have to zap your thyroid stone dead. Would you mind saying if you are in the UK and if so whereabouts? If people are being given radically different info and options re thyroid treatment we should perhaps try to do something about it.

in reply tochannelview

I'm sorry to read about your awful experience at a teaching hospital. You may know already, but PBC Foundation website has a layman's guide for protocols for management of our condition, and among it all are questions to ask doctors, respectfully, as we want to be treated ourselves, which are relevant to our treatment and which cannot be dismissed without answers that help further our understanding of where we are. This layman's guide is great. Some of us may be too shy to question, and some of us may not be shy at all but not know what question to ask that will yield useful information. I hope things improve for you. Have a look at ninjagirlwebb's and gwillistexas's past replies to others about thyroid experience. I hope you'll find it interesting and helpful. Best wishes

ninjagirlwebb profile image
ninjagirlwebb in reply tochannelview

I am in the US & the Endocrinologist never mentioned destroying the thyroid at all unless the radioactive uptake scan showed that the nodules were “hot” and secreting extra TSH.

She sent me a secured portal email when the results came back:

“Uptake was normal and it's not at all in one of your nodules .

So next step will be to start medication to make your thyroid level back to normal but I'm hoping to stop it eventually (usually in 1-2 years but maybe sooner if you have a good response) “

Hope this helps. Also each doctor can differ in their approaches. My retired endocrinologist was old school & despite my TSH being normal, he put me on synthroid because he said it would help with the nodules.

My current endocrinologist told me that approach is outdated. So she took me off them. I trust her completely because she is in charge of the endocrinology fellowship program at her hospital. My retired endocrinologist had a private practice & did not teach at all.


channelview profile image
channelview in reply toninjagirlwebb

Hello Haley Thank you so much for your reply. It is really interesting and important to know that elsewhere it is considered the right thing to leave people on the meds for up to 2 years. I'm really glad that I just insisted on taking the medication for as long as I could and by doing that I have saved my thyroid gland. If I had agreed to what the endocrinologist here was insisting on, my thyroid would have been destroyed by now and I would have to be taking synthetic thyroid meds for life to compensate. I have to wonder how many patients at Kings College here have had their thyroid gland destroyed unnecessarily when if they had been allowed longer on the meds their levels would have returned to normal. Great to be in touch with you, thanks for the info.

ninjagirlwebb profile image
ninjagirlwebb in reply tochannelview

No worries; glad you insist on it. The endocrinologist did say if the thyroid goiter gets too large that it would be removed. We do a annual thyroid scan to monitor size of nodules/goiter.

Have a great weekend.

Thank you Robert for well written article!

I'm currently under investigation for possible PBC !

Regards Trish

7443jec profile image

Thank you. I think I have joined the PBC Foundation but just seem to be seeing messages here on healthunlocked. X

Mrsfancypants profile image

I really needed to read that Robert, I’m having a horrible day , I feel I was diagnosed with this 2 and a half years ago and promptly left to deal with it ( Cos no one knows what it is ) I feel totally isolated , I need a buddy to help me x

Diane62 profile image

Hi Robert thank you for this. It helps to stay positive. I’m 10 years post diagnosis and just been told I now have cirrhosis but still think I’ve a long time ahead of me!

LorraineLouise profile image

Thank you Robert for your words of wisdom. You are amazing. Sending you big hugs🤗

Alishav2003 profile image

Wow! Thank you Robert

Hulubulu profile image

Dear PBCRobert thank you for this! Have just been diagnosed and is waiting for my biopsi. The only thing that scared me is I was diagnosed when I were yellow with Jaundice (And all itchy- my “only” two symptoms). So am I gonna die young?! I can’t even get my head around that..

I am on my second week of Urso and hope that I still have many many good years! But I am scared - and my head is spinning .. thinking about my 3 kid ❤️ my work - my health - life Quality- life expectancie and much more. But I find that PBC community I vere welcoming and supportive - and gives hope and knowledge 🙏❤️ Thank you for making a difference for so many!

PBCRobert profile image
PBCRobertPartner in reply toHulubulu

Thank you.

Please register with pbcfoundation.org.uk where we can help you directly.

We have an App, plus more written info than imaginable.

We can also speak with you directly, no matter where in the world you are.

Hulubulu profile image
Hulubulu in reply toPBCRobert

I have registered w pbcfoundation.org.uk .. and got an mail from Alan. Maybe I should try again. Iwould love to use the app - and be a part of the community.

PBCRobert profile image
PBCRobertPartner in reply toHulubulu

No no. If you got an email from Alan, then you are all good.

The App is in both Apple and Google stores. Any issues, contact us directly and we shall help.

Stub007 profile image

Thanks, Robert; I greatly respect and appreciate what you say. What are your thoughts about the GLOBALPBC scoring app online. I have used it in connection to three bloodwork results and was impressed.

PBCRobert profile image
PBCRobertPartner in reply toStub007

The Global PBC score has its merits. As does the UK-PBC Score.

They are both fairly accurate. However, it is important to realise that score is what it is, *if nothing else changes*.

So it doesn’t take into account second-line meds or new meds coming along.

So there are ways to affect your score over the years.

Stub007 profile image
Stub007 in reply toPBCRobert

Excellent point. Also, the “score “ is no more than a snapshot in time, as you accurately point out. Well said. Keep in touch.

Haking profile image

Thank you very much you have put my mind at rest, maybe now I start living a normal life.

Thanks again 🙏

Pinkflloyd profile image

Thank you so much for all your help I've been diagnosed with pbc and osteoporosis in early March 2020 and I'm taking urso I am sure my hair is thinning and falling out any advice for this thanks oh and I am 55

Marigoldenry profile image

I was diagnosed with pbc10 yrs ago and have been taking urso since then. Three weeks ago I had a fibrescan which showed I had stage 4 cirrhosis I was absolutely devastated am now waiting to see a Hepothologist what do you think my chances are ?

Jules-S profile image

Thank you so much for this, it makes so much sense ❤️

Redbird5 profile image

Thank you so much for this post! It is so helpful for those new to this diagnosis!

islandanonymous profile image

Such a great article. I sure wish I had discovered this site back when I was diagnosed with PBC in 2013. The thing that still confuses me is, my ultrasounds, CT and MRI confirmed that I already had cirrhosis however my Fibroscans have shown I'm right between stage 2 and 3 fibrosis. (So which do I believe?)

My liver enzymes returned to normal years ago and have remained normal ever since. I feel pretty darn good! I believe my PBC was brought on by some Chinese herbals that I took for insomnia...until I discovered that they had been banned in Canada because they were found to cause liver, brain, and nerve damage. My GP allowed my raised liver enzymes to continue for over a year before I practically forced him to send me to an internist who in turn referred me to a gastroenterologist.

Anyway, all this time I have relied on Dr. Google for information and all that has done is freak me out. I find the doctors in Canada aren't very forthcoming with information though. I didn't even know my ultrasounds still showed I had cirrhosis until about a month ago after a new doctor let me know.

So I thank you for the reassuring information!

in reply toislandanonymous

Hi,Im in UK and my consultant told me when I first met him that all of the tests we have contribute towards a picture of what our liver is doing, so no one test will dictate what is going on rather they use every result to tell us how far progressed the disease is likely to have got. I’ve never had an mri, or CT, I had an ultrasound whilst they were investigating to rule out gallstones etc, we’ve just always gone on fibroscan scores and blood results.

I know things are done slightly differently across the World, perhaps this new doctor would be able to enlighten you further. I don’t have much to suggest unfortunately as I don’t know how it all works in Canada, other than joining PBC foundation if you haven’t already, they have members from all over the world.

Great news that your bloods have been normal for a long time!

islandanonymous profile image
islandanonymous in reply to

Thanks very much for your response! That's reassuring that your doctor is going by Fibroscan and blood test results. The new doctor I was referring to is my new GP...I've been shuffled around to three doctors so far this year and never did see an ultrasound report until this very last one despite having them done twice a year since 2013. I don't expect he'll be able to enlighten me at all. I only heard my Fibroscan results so it was a shock to hear that the ultrasounds apparently have shown cirrhosis all along. I still haven't reconciled this in my mind but I'll have to deal with it. I'm having another Fibroscan in a couple of weeks so we'll see what's happening there. Unfortunately my hepatologist isn't even seeing people in person anymore due to Covid. But I'll try to get more info out of him when he calls after the scan.

I did join the PBC Foundation...it's so great to have that information available to us, isn't it? I'm grateful.

FurbabyMama profile image

Love this!

Weetab profile image

Hi Robert .Thanks for this very uplifting information .I have a question for you which I hope you can answer .I have been on urso 600 mgs a day for many years and my weight is 12stone.I believe that the amount of urso is based on weight so this dosage seems a little low .My consultant has now reduced it to 300 mgs a day because my bloods came back normal .Does this seem right to you ?.

Jlruggie profile image

Thank you Robert. How do we join pbc foundation and read what pbc foundation has to say?

52Blue profile image

Your valuable information is greatly appreciated. Am so glad Dr dangerous Google is not on your medical board.

Your sound advice will bring enormous calm to all

21parker profile image

Thank you Robert!

Gioielli profile image

Thank you Robert. Excellent article x

Hortonhearsanwho profile image

Thank you so much for that. I was told by my gp that pbc is what she thinks I have,she told me this over the phone and didn't know much about it. I was terrified because I lost my younger sister in 2017 to liver cirrhosis. I have my appointment with specialist on the 2nd September so will know more then,but probably like many I googled and thought I was going to die. So thank you

derothmn profile image

Thank you. Most encouraging.

FarahS profile image

thank you so much for this post ❤️❤️❤️

Gaspereaux profile image

What a well written, well thought out, and hopeful post, Robert! The first time we “met” was through video. I was so impressed with your quick response to meeting me and felt much more at ease after we spoke (I was in Florida, I am now in northeastern NB, Canada). We so often get “side-tracked” in this journey, and you manage to bring us back on the path. Thank you so much!

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