Third time I am trying to post this..not sure why the message keeps disappearing!..anyway I sometimes get a pretty bad feeling in the morning..shaky feel in arms, feel a bit sick, a little itching which I don’t normally have, headache and upset stomach, pain in liver..feel pretty rough so cant get out on the days I have it. I have cirrhosis now and it just could be that and muscle wastage...doesn’t seem to relate to what I eat and all I drink is water or fresh orange, tonic water...never could handle much drink...has anyone had this feeling? Thanks
A bad hangover feeling but I dont drink - PBC Foundation
A bad hangover feeling but I dont drink

Hi bobbycat
Yes often have this feeling in the morning it's like a really bad hangover even though not had a drink. Have told doc but just shrugs it of as if it nothing. I feel like they know we get all these symptoms but can't do nothing about it so just ignores it.
I get the hangover feeling every so often. Refer to it as a ‘bad liver day’. Two consolations. First, it usually only lasts for 24 hours. Second, I often feel really quite chirpy the following day.
Hi bobbycat,
I don't get all of those symptoms but my fatgue is always bad in the morning so I feel very 'sluggish'. Pbc can definitely feel as bad as a hangover!
I too get the same. It usually fades away as the day wears on. No rhyme or reason to it. And doesn’t seem to affect my numbers?!?
Looks like its just the liver playing up over night! Thanks for your comments.
I have had the hangover feeling as well. Its very strange. I also am not a drinker. Newly diagnosed with PBC (less than 6 months) at the very early stages of PBC. I tried not taking my sleep medication, cause i thought that was making me feel bad the next morning. No, that was a horrible idea. Sleep is important. However, the only way i can seem to kick the "hangover" feeling is sleeping for hours and hours in a day. I am exhausted from doing very little. I agree that this liver is working over time (while we sleep) and us feeling the effects the next morning as a result, really feels yucky. Does anyone have or do anything that helps this feeling of the "hangover"