I went to the dr.s at the beginning of February because I hadn't been feeling well for over a month, well I never really feel well but this was worse then "normal" (seriously no energy, fevers, diarrhea all day long, and I felt like I was walking around in a fog). I got blood work done on a sat, on Monday morning my dr.s office called to have me go back and get it done again and to make an appt to see her ASAP. Scary! Turns out the reason I was feeling worse was because I had a parasite (always fun).
But I'm actually great-full I got it because otherwise who knows how much longer I would have gone on without knowing. For the past ten years I have been living with the thought that all the issues that I have are allergy related. I'm allergic to gluten, dairy and yeast that I am aware of. I'm having blood work done and an endoscopy to check to see if I have celiacs as well as to check for varices in my esophagus. I've already had an ultrasound and they found what they think is a hemangioma on my liver so a biopsy is definitely out. I go for an MRI in early May to check things out again. My specialist also thinks I have IBS as well. Basically my entire GI tract is a mess. I need to also get my allergies retested as well so that I can have a comprehensive list to present to a nutritionist because at this point I'm pretty much stumped on what I can actually eat. I know this is really long and hopefully someone reads through to this point because I'm wonder if anyone else out there also has any other autoimmune disease or IBS to go along with their PBC dx?
I'm also worried because I've had severely itchy skin as well as steatorrhea (not knowing that's what it was) and trouble swallowing at times all for a while and with the hemangioma I'm worried about what stage I'm actually in and will they be able to tell without doing a biopsy?
Thank you for any feedback!