My stomach feels so bloated, only in stage two, Just feels hard and miserable. I am not constipated. My back has been hurting all wkend. Has anyone have cuts inside your front lip? Feels like im in a different body.
Miserable : My stomach feels so bloated, only... - PBC Foundation

I am so sorry you r feeling so sick. I haven’t had cuts inside my lips but I know what you mean about feeling like you r in a different body. It is like a betrayal. Plus this sense of no control. I hope you start feeling some relief. I’m not sure what is normal with this illness. Then again I think we’ve Salk left the land of normal once we got diagnosed.
That is so true. My husband just asked me if this site helps and i said yes, because alot of this stuff is what i go through and others can relate to me. At least i know im not crazy.thanks for the inout.
I have been have these same symptoms except the cuts inside my lips. I didn’t know if this was a normal thing.
Yes mine are also on the inside of my uper lip. Someone on this site mention celaic. It made sence ,because i do have that and have been cheating on my gluten diet. Today i am on track.
Hi, yes I know exactly what you mean. My labs are fine so my doctor is not worried but I feel like crap so very often. Bloated, joints and muscles hurt and so so so tired. Resting is nice, but I am supposed to work full time so resting is an activity that is hard to come by...
Hope you'll feel better soon (there are times when I feel ok too)!
Have you been tested for celiac? I say this because my friend is celiac and if he ingests gluten he gets little razor type sores just inside his mouth and of course it comes with digestive symptoms too.
Being it's another autoimmune condition it's worth being tested I was tested routinely but I know many are not.

You are probably correct, i am suppose to be on a celiac diet and have been cheating some. Now it makes sence. I should have known better.

Well its been a week and i stood on the the celic diet. The cuts inside my lips have greatly inproved, thanks to all the input here, thank God. Also lost 5 lbs. Unreal. I crave sweets, i am border line diabetic. A1c is 6.4. Dr said if i dont lose weight and stop with the sweets, i will be in trouble.
Hi, sorry your feeling so bad. I get very bloated too. I drink a lot of water with lemon slices in and herbal tea. Find that caffeine and bread make me bloat. Been tested for celiacs but came back clear. Don’t get cuts in my mouth but do have very achey joints. I did ask if there was anything I should avoid apart from alcohol but was told there isn’t any recommendation for a diet for pbc
I went to the dr. On wed. First gonna give me an mri for my back. The bloading i have to go to the gastro. Dr. Today so far i feel a bit better thank God. Will make appt. With gastro.