Been on urso for 1 month and no problems but I developed a fine slightly raised rash on both lower legs... thought it was oetechiae same color and all but that is usually flat... does pbc cause this? With autoimmune you usually have more than one illnesss if you have autoimmune or so I have been told... so they think I may have lupus. Does anyone else have pbc and lupus?
Rash: Been on urso for 1 month and no... - PBC Foundation

I would ask about this at the 'PBC Foundation'. They host this site on Health Unlocked and there is a link to their website at the top of the page = loads of info on PBC on the site, but you get immediate links, phone and email, to talk to their trained advisors. I'm sure there will also be a 'Lupus' support/advice group, and the PBC F may be able to tell you.
There are people on here who do have PBC and Lupus, so they may be on soon, and advise you. The antibody for Lupus is quite different (even if it is one of the variants of AMA PBC is linked to the AMA-M2 sub-type, and there are a few different sub-types for different condtions) and your medics should be able to test for the appropriate antibody, if Lupus is suspected. However, when you were diagnosed with PBC they should also have done a host of tests to check for all AMA-related conditions, as well as other autoimmune issues ... and all possible liver complaints. Ask for a copy of your results and try to work through them.
Sadly, PBC is one of those conditions where we often have to become our own best experts. Hope this helps, and that you get more advice from others in the same situation who will know more than me.
Take care.
I tested positive for Ana also.... I know lupus has rashes but since I have a mild case was really wondering if petechiae was more related to bleeding factors of pbc
I think things like that depend on what stage the PBC is at, so you would need to know exactly what your results and notes say.
Do talk to the 'PBC F' people, as they are amazingly friendly, kind and very knowledgeable, as well as being wonderfully supportive.