What stage does red palms appear,mine seem to be showing signs of redness lately,I was diagnosed about two years ago at stage three,wondering if I have progressed to stage four.
Red Palms: What stage does red palms appear... - PBC Foundation
Red Palms

Before I was diagnosed with PBC I had red palms for over 6 years before that but didnt know what it was caused with as I didnt have any other symptoms. I mentioned it to my GP about 5years before being diagnosed and all she said was they would keep an eye on it but after that I just ignored it thinking it was nothing to worry about. I didnt get the fatigue and itchy skin until 2011which was when I got diagnosed with PBC. When I found out that PBC causes the red palms I started to think I could of had it for years before being diagnosed so who knows. I was in the early stages when the GP told me I had it and my symptoms are still the same as when I was diagnosed.
I read that symptom severity is not a good indicator of disease stage, I would think that relates to red palms as well.
I know I had red palms at the age of 50, when I went to GP for menopausal symptoms and my liver tests were normal then. I was not diagnosed with PBC until I was 56, that was 8 years ago. I don't know what stage iam but recent imaging showed I was in the normal to mild range on the fibro scan score card.
I have a friend who has had very red palms for years and she doesn't have a liver problem, so I think there could be other reasons for it too so it might be worth checking out if it's new to you.
Hi Mozzamo, as far as I know...red palms is a sign in cirrhosis (stage 4 in PBC) but is better to ask your doctor...
I thought it was,Dr asked to look at my palms 2years ago when I was diagnosed at stage 3,it's just lately I noticed they were showing signs of redness, not due to see my consultant until January. Thank you to all who replied.
I have red palms and was told by my doctor it is caused from my type 2 diabetes