hi im off for first fibroscan on tuesday was told 8yr ago got pbc normal scans ok does anyone no what the score is for results
fibroscan: hi im off for first fibroscan on... - PBC Foundation
I googled "score rating for fibroscan ". You'll find normal/ not normal 😊
Correction..."score chart for fibroscan "
I had one anything over 12.5 is Cirrhosis.
The fibro scan score card readings range from 0 - 75. The average persons normal range i believe is 5.3. The starting number for each stage including cirrhosis is different depending on what disease you have. I tried to post the card but Iam not very good on this device but it's easy to find if you google it.
What should be remembered is that any damage to the liver fibrosis/cirrhosis is not total, there is a broader picture of how your liver is functioning. So try not to fixate too much on the number alone your doctors will take all your other results into account. Good luck with the scan hope it goes well and try not to worry.
thank u so much for info im not so much worried as more confused at the end of the day ive got what ive got like a lot of people lol thank u agai and gentle hugs to u x
They told me at the scan. I was a 4 on a 1 to 4 scale, 4 being cirrhosis, luckily decompensated at this time
Hi I have my first fibroscan next week. Do they give you the results on the day?
hi im not sure mines tomoz but a few posts ive read on hear seem to know on day but i would nt assume anything bad if they don t just prob got to be processed thru your dr first ive also read on here people have had to fast for so many hours previous i phoned and checked and was told u don t have to so might be where u live uk/world good luck x

My appt is 10:00. Nothing to eat or drink after 7:00☹️. That's the hard part👍
Mine is Thursday. If I find out anything I'll post. May have to wait Dr to call.
hi ive had my fibroscan today i was told up to 7 is normal mine was 6.1so was told normal ut im in uk so might be diff if your worldwide

I think you're right about 7 So happy yours is good😊👍
thank u x
I had one last week and thankfully it came back normal 5.7. I was told there and then by the nurse. I also asked to look at the screen, she explained all the info on there. Just ask if they don't tell you. She did pre warn me before the scan, that given my very high lft numbers to expect there to be some damage but there was none, so bloods don't necessarily relate to liver damage. From what I saw on scoring >7 is indicative of damage. Good luck x
thanks xx
I have had my fibroscan today. Found out it was 20......... only because I was considering drug trials, but was told with a score of 20, couldn't do it.
mine was 2wks ago and scored 6.7 which was normal i have been to QE hosp today to see consultant as all scans ok not sure if i was downgraded l but never seen dr saw a pbc nurse who z she was mine from now on if any probs ring and from a liver point of view they are happy i also agreed to take part in the clinical trial which i did today as well which consisted of lots of form&???? right back to a child covered everything from pregnancys to what i eat and what animals i kept plus 17tubes of blood interesting stuff lol

Hope the trials go well! Xx