Have had PBC now and looks like I have now developed Polymyalgia Rheumatica as well. Just looked up on this sight other's experience of this and also whether or not it is ok to take prednisone. Thank you for the previous posts regarding this. Just wondering if anyone experienced any side effects.
PBC and PMR: Have had PBC now and looks like... - PBC Foundation

This is really interesting as I too have had blood done to see if I have the same, I have had PBC since 2006 then they thought I had overlap AIH for which I was put on Prednisone and was weaned off this January now if I do have PR I will refuse steroid treatment and just carry on with pain killers. I had no side effects with the steroids apart from weight gain and moon face just fed up with taking tablet after tablet. I feel as I was given steroids as a matter of course as I still haven't had conformation of my AIH overlap. I see my Heptalogist tomorrow so will ask him about PR if it is connected to PBC
me to Gioielli, will post the results from the meeting, I am due to see someone new sometimes its a good thing sometimes not so. fingers crossed.
Hi Gioielli
I guess you are having to weigh up the pro and cons in the mix with PBC. Has your PBC specialist been able to give you any guidance? I see Biddyb may be able to give some good advice after her appointment tomorrow. Hope you both get some answers.
best wishes
Hi Gioielli, my husband has PMR ( poly myalgia rheumatica) & he sees a Rheumatologist for this condition. It is a rare condition & you should see the appropriate specialist for the proper treatment. Unlike PBC, PMR does/can go away, but you may be required to take prednisone....Important that your doctors communicate , make sure treatments are liver 'friendly'. Good luck!
Ok so saw GP yesterday and blood results show that it is not PRM - thankfully. Now further test to see if it is a muscle enzyme and xray of right shoulder as this is most painful!! Could hardly get out of bed this morning the pain in my shoulders is so intense. GP suggests cocadol will help - hope taking this is ok with PBC. Anyway good news is that the doc so tested my ALP level and it is down to 203 - lowest it has ever been!
Good news about ALP being down and no PMR. My consultant told me that he thinks the overlap is highly unlikely due to my ALT , ALP being down and liver scan showing no damage. So really chuffed about that although I am really mad about the 3 years on steroids that I didn't need also calcium supplements which sent my calcium to high GP then suspected Hyperparathyroidism, not to mention immunosuppressants which made me feel really ill and it took me weeks to get over them, now waiting to see my GP after having bloods done for PMR just feel like an hypercondric. Keep up the good results